H. L. Mencken

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H. L. Mencken
Born Henry Louis Mencken
(1880-09-12)September 12, 1880
Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.
Died January 29, 1956(1956-01-29) (aged 75)
Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.
Nationality American
Ethnicity German
Occupation Journalist, satirist, critic
Notable credit(s) The Baltimore Sun
Influenced Paul Fussell, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, P. J. O'Rourke
Spouse(s) Sara Haardt
Relatives August Mencken, Jr.
Family August Mencken, Sr.

Henry Louis "H. L." Mencken (September 12, 1880 – January 29, 1956) was an American journalist, essayist, magazine editor, satirist, critic of American life and culture, and a scholar of American English.[1] Known as the "Sage of Baltimore", he is regarded as one of the most influential American writers and prose stylists of the first half of the twentieth century. Many of his books remain in print.

Mencken is known for writing The American Language, a multi-volume study of how the English language is spoken in the United States, and for his satirical reporting on the Scopes trial, which he dubbed the "Monkey Trial". He commented widely on the social scene, literature, music, prominent politicians, pseudo-experts, the temperance movement, and uplifters. A keen cheerleader of scientific progress, he was very skeptical of economic theories and particularly critical of anti-intellectualism, bigotry, populism, Fundamentalist Christianity, creationism, organized religion, the existence of God, and osteopathic/chiropractic medicine.

In addition to his literary accomplishments, Mencken was known for his controversial ideas. A frank admirer of German philosopher Nietzsche, he was not a proponent of representative democracy, which he believed was a system in which inferior men dominated their superiors.[2] During and after World War I, he was sympathetic to the Germans, and was very distrustful of British propaganda.[3] However, he also referred to Hitler and his followers as "ignorant thugs". Mencken, through his wide criticism of actions taken by government, has had a strong impact on the American libertarian movement. [4]


[edit] Early life

Mencken was the son of August Mencken, Sr., a cigar factory owner of German ancestry. When Henry was three, his family moved into a new home at 1524 Hollins Street (now the H. L. Mencken House), in the Union Square neighborhood of Baltimore. Apart from five years of married life, Mencken was to live in that house for the rest of his life.[5]

In his best-selling memoir Happy Days, he described his childhood in Baltimore as "placid, secure, uneventful and happy."[6]

When he was nine years old, he read Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn, which he later described as "the most stupendous event in my life".[7] He determined to become a writer himself. He read prodigiously. In one winter while in high school he read Thackeray and "then proceeded backward to Addison, Steele, Pope, Swift, Johnson and the other magnificos of the Eighteenth century". He read the entire canon of Shakespeare, and became an ardent fan of Kipling and Thomas Huxley.[8] But as a boy Mencken also had practical interests, photography and chemistry in particular, and eventually had a home chemistry laboratory which he used to perform experiments of his own devising, some of them inadvertently dangerous.[9]

After graduating (with honors) from Baltimore Polytechnic Institute at the age of sixteen, he worked for three years in his father's cigar factory. He disliked this work, especially the selling part, and resolved to leave, with or without his father's blessing. In early 1898, he took a class in writing at one of the country's first correspondence schools (the Cosmopolitan University).[10] This was to be all of Mencken's formal education in journalism, or indeed in any other subject. On his father's death a few days after Christmas in the same year, the business reverted to his uncle, and Mencken was free to pursue his career in journalism. He applied in February 1899 to the Baltimore Morning Herald newspaper, and was hired as a part-timer there, but still kept his position at the factory for a few months. In June he was hired on as a full-time reporter, and his new career was well underway.

[edit] Career

After six years at the Herald Mencken moved to The Baltimore Sun, where he worked for Charles H. Grasty. He continued to contribute to the Sun full time until 1948, when he ceased to write there following a stroke.

Mencken began writing the editorials and opinion pieces that made his name. On the side, he wrote short stories, a novel, and even poetry–which he later reviled. In 1908, he became a literary critic for the magazine The Smart Set, and in 1924, he and George Jean Nathan founded and edited The American Mercury, published by Alfred A. Knopf. It soon developed a national circulation and became highly influential on college campuses across America. In 1933, Mencken resigned as editor.

[edit] Personal life

In 1930, Mencken married Sara Haardt, a professor of English at Goucher College in Baltimore and an author who was eighteen years his junior. Haardt had led efforts in Alabama to ratify the 19th Amendment.[11] The two met in 1923, after Mencken delivered a lecture at Goucher; a seven-year courtship ensued. The marriage made national headlines, and many were surprised that Mencken, who once called marriage "the end of hope" and who was well known for mocking relations between the sexes, had gone to the altar. "The Holy Spirit informed and inspired me," Mencken said. "Like all other infidels, I am superstitious and always follow hunches: this one seemed to be a superb one."[12] Even more startling, he was marrying an Alabama native, despite his having written scathing essays about the American South. Haardt was in poor health from tuberculosis throughout their marriage and died in 1935 of meningitis, leaving Mencken grief-stricken.[13] He had always supported her writing, and after her death had a collection of her short stories published under the title Southern Album.

Mencken photographed by Carl Van Vechten, 1932

During the Great Depression, Mencken did not support the New Deal. This cost him popularity, as did his strong reservations regarding U.S. participation in World War Two, and his overt contempt for President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He ceased writing for the Baltimore Sun for several years, focusing on his memoirs and other projects as editor, while serving as an advisor for the paper that had been his home for nearly his entire career. In 1948, he briefly returned to the political scene, covering the presidential election in which President Harry S. Truman faced Republican Thomas Dewey and Henry A. Wallace of the Progressive Party. His later work consisted of humorous, anecdotal, and nostalgic essays, first published in The New Yorker, then collected in the books Happy Days, Newspaper Days, and Heathen Days.

On November 23, 1948, Mencken suffered a stroke that left him aware and fully conscious but nearly unable to read or write, and able to speak only with some difficulty. After his stroke, Mencken enjoyed listening to European classical music and, after some recovery of his ability to speak, talking with friends, but he sometimes referred to himself in the past tense, as if already dead. Preoccupied as he was with his legacy, he organized his papers, letters, newspaper clippings and columns, even grade school report cards. These materials were made available to scholars after his death in stages in 1971, 1981 and 1991, and include hundreds of thousands of letters sent and received; the only omissions were strictly personal letters received from women.

Mencken died in his sleep on January 29, 1956.[14] He was interred in Baltimore's Loudon Park Cemetery.[15]

Though it does not appear on his tombstone, during his Smart Set days Mencken wrote a joking epitaph for himself:

If, after I depart this vale, you ever remember me and have thought to please my ghost, forgive some sinner and wink your eye at some homely girl.[16][17]

[edit] The man of ideas

In his capacity as editor and man of ideas, Mencken became close friends with the leading literary figures of his time, including Theodore Dreiser, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Joseph Hergesheimer, Anita Loos, Ben Hecht, Sinclair Lewis, James Branch Cabell and Alfred Knopf, as well as a mentor to several young reporters, including Alistair Cooke. He also championed artists whose works he considered worthy. For example, he asserted that books such as Caught Short! A Saga of Wailing Wall Street (1929), by Eddie Cantor (ghost-written by David Freedman) did more to pull America out of the Great Depression than all government measures combined. He also mentored John Fante.

Mencken also published many works under various pseudonyms, including Owen Hatteras, John H. Brownell, William Drayham, W.L.D. Bell, and Charles Angofff.[18] As a ghost-writer for the physician Leonard K. Hirshberg, he wrote a series of articles and (in 1910) most of the book about the care for babies.

Mencken frankly admired Friedrich Nietzsche—he was the first writer to provide a scholarly analysis in English of Nietzsche's writings and philosophy—and Joseph Conrad. His humor and satire owe much to Ambrose Bierce and Mark Twain. He did much to defend Theodore Dreiser, despite freely admitting his faults, including stating forthrightly that Dreiser often wrote badly and was a gullible man. Mencken also expressed his appreciation for William Graham Sumner in a 1941 collection of Sumner's essays, and regretted never having known Sumner personally. In contrast, Mencken was scathing in his criticism of the German philosopher Hans Vaihinger who he described as "an extremely dull author" and whose famous book Philosophy of 'As If' he dismissed as an unimportant "foot-note to all existing systems".[19]

Mencken recommended for publication the first novel by Ayn Rand, We the Living, calling it "a really excellent piece of work". Shortly after, Rand addressed him in correspondence as "the greatest representative of a philosophy", to which she wanted to dedicate her life, "individualism", and, later, listed him as her favorite columnist.[20]

Mencken is fictionalized in the play Inherit the Wind as the cynical sarcastic atheist E.K. Hornbeck (right), seen here as played by Gene Kelly in the Hollywood film version. On the left is Henry Drummond, based on Clarence Darrow and portrayed by Spencer Tracy.

For Mencken, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was the finest work of American literature. Much of that book relates how gullible and ignorant country "boobs" (as Mencken referred to them) are swindled by confidence men like the (deliberately) pathetic "Duke" and "Dauphin" roustabouts with whom Huck and Jim travel down the Mississippi River. These scam-artists swindle by posing as enlightened speakers on temperance (to obtain the funds to get roaring drunk), as pious "saved" men seeking funds for far off evangelistic missions (to pirates on the high seas, no less), and as learned doctors of phrenology (who can barely spell). Mencken read the novel as a story of America's hilarious dark side, a place where democracy, as defined by Mencken, is "the worship of jackals by jackasses".

As a nationally syndicated columnist and book author, he famously spoke out against Christian Science, social stigma, fakery, Christian radicalism, religious belief (and as a fervent nonbeliever the very notion of a Deity), osteopathy, antievolutionism, chiropractic, and the "Booboisie", his word for the ignorant middle classes.[21][22][23] In 1926, he deliberately had himself arrested for selling an issue of The American Mercury that was banned in Boston under the Comstock laws.[24] Mencken heaped scorn not only on the public officials he disliked, but also on the contemporary state of American elective politics itself. In 1931, the Arkansas legislature passed a motion to pray for Mencken's soul after he had called the state the "apex of moronia".[25]

[edit] Views

The striking thing about Mencken’s mind is its ruthlessness and rigidity . . . Though one of the fairest of critics, he is the least pliant . . . . [I]n spite of his skepticism, and his frequent exhortations to hold his opinion lightly, he himself has been conspicuous for seizing upon simple dogmas and sticking to them with fierce tenacity . . . true skeptics . . . see both truth and weakness in every case.

Literary critic Edmund Wilson (1921)[26]

In every unbeliever's heart there is an uneasy feeling that, after all, he may awake after death and find himself immortal. This is his punishment for his unbelief. This is the agnostic's Hell.

H.L. Mencken (Source)[27]

[edit] Elitism

Instead of arguing that one race or group was superior to another, Mencken believed that every community produced a few people of clear superiority. He considered groupings on a par with hierarchies, which led to a kind of natural elitism and natural aristocracy. "Superior" individuals, in Mencken's view, were those wrongly oppressed and disdained by their own communities, but nevertheless distinguished by their will and personal achievement—not by race or birth.

In 1989, per his instructions, Alfred A. Knopf published Mencken's "secret diary" as The Diary of H. L. Mencken. According to an item in the South Bay (California) Daily Breeze on December 5, 1989, entitled "Mencken's Secret Diary Shows Racist Leanings", Mencken's views shocked even the "sympathetic scholar who edited it", Charles A. Fecher of Baltimore.[28] There is a club in Baltimore called the Maryland Club which had one Jewish member, and that member died. Mencken said, "There is no other Jew in Baltimore who seems suitable", according to the article. And the diary quoted him as saying of blacks, in 1943, "it is impossible to talk anything resembling discretion or judgment to a colored woman". However, violence against blacks outraged Mencken. For example, he had this to say about a Maryland lynching:

Not a single bigwig came forward in the emergency, though the whole town knew what was afoot. Any one of a score of such bigwigs might have halted the crime, if only by threatening to denounce its perpetrators, but none spoke. So Williams was duly hanged, burned and mutilated.

[edit] Democracy

Rather than dismissing democratic governance as a popular fallacy or treating it with open contempt, Mencken's response to it was a publicized sense of amusement. His feelings on this subject (like his casual feelings on many other such subjects) are sprinkled throughout his writings over the years, very occasionally taking center-stage with the full force of Mencken's prose:

[D]emocracy gives [the beatification of mediocrity] a certain appearance of objective and demonstrable truth. The mob man, functioning as citizen, gets a feeling that he is really important to the world—that he is genuinely running things. Out of his maudlin herding after rogues and mountebanks there comes to him a sense of vast and mysterious power—which is what makes archbishops, police sergeants, the grand goblins of the Ku Klux and other such magnificoes happy. And out of it there comes, too, a conviction that he is somehow wise, that his views are taken seriously by his betters—which is what makes United States Senators, fortune tellers and Young Intellectuals happy. Finally, there comes out of it a glowing consciousness of a high duty triumphantly done which is what makes hangmen and husbands happy.

This sentiment is fairly consistent with Mencken's distaste for common notions and the philosophical outlook he unabashedly set down throughout his life as a writer (drawing on Friedrich Nietzsche and Herbert Spencer, among others).[29]

Mencken wrote as follows about the difficulties of good men reaching national office when such campaigns must necessarily be conducted remotely:

The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre—the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.[30]

[edit] Anglo-Saxons

Mencken countered the arguments for Anglo-Saxon superiority prevalent in his time in a 1923 essay entitled "The Anglo-Saxon," which argued that if there was such a thing as a pure "Anglo-Saxon" race, it was defined by its inferiority and cowardice. "The normal American of the 'pure-blooded' majority goes to rest every night with an uneasy feeling that there is a burglar under the bed and he gets up every morning with a sickening fear that his underwear has been stolen."[31]

[edit] Jews

Mencken's views towards Jews appeared to evolve with time. In the 1930 edition of Treatise on the Gods Mencken wrote:

The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack many of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display.[32]

This passage was removed from subsequent editions at his express direction.[33]

Moreover, he viewed Adolf Hitler as a buffoon, and once compared him to a common Ku Klux Klan member. In an open letter to Upton Sinclair, published in the June, 1936, issue of The American Mercury, Mencken wrote, "You protest, and with justice, each time Hitler jails an opponent; but you forget that Stalin and company have jailed and murdered a thousand times as many. It seems to me, and indeed the evidence is plain, that compared to the Moscow brigands and assassins, Hitler is hardly more than a common Ku Kluxer and Mussolini almost a philanthropist."

Author Gore Vidal later defended Mencken:

Far from being an anti-Semite, Mencken was one of the first journalists to denounce the persecution of the Jews in Germany at a time when the New York Times, say, was notoriously reticent. On November 27, 1938, Mencken writes (Baltimore Sun), "It is to be hoped that the poor Jews now being robbed and mauled in Germany will not take too seriously the plans of various politicians to rescue them." He then reviews the various schemes to "rescue" the Jews from the Nazis, who had not yet announced their own final solution.[34]

As Hitler gradually conquered Europe, Mencken attacked President Franklin D. Roosevelt for refusing to admit Jewish refugees into the United States and called for their wholesale admission:

There is only one way to help the fugitives, and that is to find places for them in a country in which they can really live. Why shouldn't the United States take in a couple hundred thousand of them, or even all of them?[35]

[edit] Memorials

[edit] Home

Mencken's home at 1524 Hollins Street, where he lived for sixty-seven years before his death in 1956, in Baltimore's Union Square neighborhood was bequeathed to the University of Maryland, Baltimore on the death of Mencken's younger brother, August, in 1967. The City of Baltimore acquired the property in 1983, and the "H. L. Mencken House" became part of the City Life Museums. The house has been closed to general admission since 1997, but is opened for special events and group visits by arrangement.

[edit] Library

Shortly after World War Two, Mencken expressed his intention of bequeathing his books and papers to Baltimore's Enoch Pratt Free Library. At the time of his death in 1956, the Library was in possession of most of the present large collection. As a result, Mencken's papers as well as much of his library, which includes many books inscribed by major authors, are held in the Central Branch of the Pratt Library on Cathedral Street in Baltimore. The original H.L. Mencken Room and Collection, on the third floor, housing this collection, was dedicated on April 17, 1956. The new Mencken Room, on the first floor of the Library's Annex, was opened in November, 2003.

The collection contains Mencken's typescripts, his newspaper and magazine contributions, his published books, family documents and memorabilia, clipping books, a large collection of presentation volumes, a file of correspondence with prominent Marylanders, and the extensive material he collected while preparing The American Language.

Other collections of Menckenia are at Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, and Yale University. The Sara Haardt Mencken collection is at Goucher College, which includes letters written between Sara Haardt and Mencken and condolence letters written after her death. Some of Mencken's vast literary correspondence is held at the New York Public Library.

[edit] Works


  • George Bernard Shaw: His Plays (1905)
  • The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (1907)
  • The Gist of Nietzsche (1910)
  • Men versus the Man: a Correspondence between Robert Rives La Monte, Socialist and H. L. Mencken, Individualist (1910)
  • A Book of Burlesques (1916)
  • A Little Book in C Major (1916)
  • A Book of Prefaces (1917)
  • In Defense of Women (1918)
  • Damn! A Book of Calumny (1918)
  • The American Language (1919)
  • Prejudices (1919–27)
    • First Series (1919)
    • Second Series (1920)
    • Third Series (1922)
    • Fourth Series (1924)
    • Fifth Series (1926)
    • Sixth Series (1927)
    • Selected Prejudices (1927)
  • Notes on Democracy (1926)
  • Menckeneana: A Schimpflexikon (1928) - Editor
  • Treatise on the Gods (1930)
  • Making a President (1932)
  • Treatise on Right and Wrong (1934)
  • Happy Days, 1880–1892 (1940)
  • Newspaper Days, 1899–1906 (1941)
  • A New Dictionary of Quotations on Historical Principles from Ancient and Modern Sources (1942)
  • Heathen Days, 1890–1936 (1943)
  • Christmas Story (1944)
  • The American Language, Supplement I (1945)
  • The American Language, Supplement II (1948)
  • A Mencken Chrestomathy (1949)

Posthumous collections

  • Minority Report (1956)
  • On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe (1956)
  • The American Scene (1965) (Huntington Cairns, ed).
  • The Bathtub Hoax and Blasts & Bravos from the Chicago Tribune (1958)
  • The Impossible H. L. Mencken: A Selection Of His Best Newspaper Stories (1991) (Marion Elizabeth Rodgers, ed).
  • My Life As Author and Editor (1992) (Jonathan Yardley, ed).
  • A Second Mencken Chrestomathy (1994)
  • Thirty-five Years of Newspaper Work (1996)
  • A Religious Orgy in Tennessee A Reporter's Account of the Scopes Monkey Trial (2006) (Melville House Publishing).

Chapbooks, pamphlets, and notable essays

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Obituary Variety, February 1, 1956
  2. ^ Mencken, Henry (1926). Notes on Democracy. New York: Alfred Knopf
  3. ^ Hobson (1994), p. 435
  4. ^ Burns, Jennifer (2009). Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 48. ISBN 978-0-19-532487-7.
  5. ^ Detailed description of Mencken's home in Baltimore
  6. ^ Happy Days, p. vii
  7. ^ St. Petersburg Times – September 23, 1987
  8. ^ Goldberg (1925), pp. 90-93
  9. ^ Newspaper Days, 1899–1906, p. 58
  10. ^ Goldberg (1925) p. 93
  11. ^ Short biographical sketch of Sara Haardt
  12. ^ Mencken bio at menckenhouse.org
  13. ^ al.com, the Real South: Famous People ? Literary Figures: Sally Haardt
  14. ^ "H. L. Mencken, 75, Dies in Baltimore". New York Times. January 30, 1956. http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F40F14FF3C58157B93C2AA178AD85F428585F9. Retrieved 2008-06-15. "H.L. Mencken was found dead in bed early today. The 75-year-old author, editor, critic and newspaper man had lived in retirement since suffering a cerebral hemorrhage in 1948."
  15. ^ http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=706
  16. ^ http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=pv&GRid=706&PIpi=76414
  17. ^ "Epitaph," Smart Set, December 3, 1921, p. 33."
  18. ^ S. L. Harrison AKA H. L. Mencken: Selected Pseudonymous Writings Wolf Den Books (2005)
  19. ^ Mencken, H.L. (1924) Philosophers as Liars. The American Mercury, October, Vol III, No.10, pp.253-255.
  20. ^ Berliner, Michael, editor, Letters of Ayn Rand, Dutton (1995), p. 10 (Mencken's opinion of the novel), and pp. 13-14 (Rand's praise of Mencken)
  21. ^ Joseph Keating Jr., Ph.D. Because We Know Chiropractic Works ... (sarcastic article). Dynamic Chiropractic, July 16, 1993, Vol. 11, Issue 15.
  22. ^ H.L. Mencken. Prejudices: A Selection. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.
  23. ^ James C. Whorton. Nature Cures: The History of Alternative Medicine in America. Oxford University Press U.S., 2004, no place of publication and no page cited by Wikipedia "author."
  24. ^ http://www.massmoments.org/moment.cfm?mid=104
  25. ^ Manchester, p. 252
  26. ^ Wilson, Edmund. 1921. H.L. Mencken in Literary Essays and Reviews of the 1920s & 30s: The Shores of Light / Axel's Castle / Uncollected Reviews Lewis M. Dabney, ed. (New York: Library of America, 2007)
  27. ^ Mencken, Henry Lewis. A Mencken Chrestomathy, Knopf (1949), p. 624
  28. ^ http://www.dailybreeze.com
  29. ^ Mencken's essay "Last Words" on the illusory merits of democracy.
  30. ^ Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
  31. ^ Mencken, Henry Louis, "The Anglo-Saxon," Baltimore Evening Sun, July, 1923
  32. ^ Mencken, Henry Louis. Treatise on the Gods. Knopf (New York, 1930), pp. 345-346
  33. ^ Hobson, Fred C. Mencken: A Life. (1995), p. 477
  34. ^ Gore Vidal, foreword to Mary Elizabeth Rodgers The Impossible H.L. Mencken
  35. ^ Help for the Jews, 1938, in The Impossible H.L. Mencken, Anchor Books (1991)

[edit] Sources

  • Goldberg, Isaac (1925) The Man Mencken: A Biographical and Critical Survey Simon and Schuster.
  • Manchester, William (1951) Disturber of the Peace: The Life of H. L. Mencken Harper.
  • Bode, Carl (1969) Mencken Southern Illinois University Press. ISBN 8093-0376-0
  • Hobson, Fred (1974) Serpent in Eden Louisiana State University Press. ISBN 0-8071-0292-X
  • Stenerson, Douglas C. (1974) H. L. Mencken: Iconoclast from Baltimore University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-77249-7
  • Scruggs, Charles (1984) The Sage in Harlem.
  • Hobson, Fred (1994) Mencken: A Life. Random House. ISBN 0-8018-5238-2. Also published in paper back by The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Teachout, Terry. (2002) The Skeptic : A Life of H. L. Mencken. Harper Collins Publishers. ISBN 0-06-050528-1
  • Rodgers, Marion Elizabeth (2005) Mencken: The American Iconoclast. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-507238-3

[edit] External links