API:Watchlist feed

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Returns a watchlist feed.


  • feedformat: The format of the feed. Possible values: rss or atom. (Default: rss)
  • hours: List pages modified within this many hours from now. Possible values: an integer between 1 and 72. (Default: 24) 1.11+
  • linktosections: Link to changed sections instead of whole article pages – if possible
  • allrev: Include multiple revisions of the same page within given timeframe. 1.12+
  • wlowner: Used along with token to access a different user's watchlist. 1.16+
  • wltoken: Security token that requested user set in their preferences. 1.16+
  • wlexcludeuser: Do not list changes made by this given user. 1.19+
  • wltype: Only list certain types of changes. (Default: edit|new|log|categorize) 1.22+
    • edit: Regular page edits.
    • external: External edits.
    • new: Page creations.
    • log: Log entries.
    • categorize: Changes in categorization arising from conditional parser functions. 1.27+
  • wlshow: Only list revisions that meet these criteria. Conflicting options (such as minor and !minor) cannot be used together. Use names below separated by a pipe
    • minor: Only list minor edits.
    • !minor: Don't list minor edits.
    • bot: Only list bot edits.
    • !bot: Don't list bot edits.
    • anon: Only list edits by anonymous users.
    • !anon: Only list edits by registered users.
    • patrolled: Only list patrolled pages.
    • !patrolled: Don't list patrolled pages.
    • unread: Only list unread pages. 1.25+
    • !unread: Don't list unread pages. 1.25+
  • linktodiffs: Link to change differences instead of article pages. From version 1.24 forward, difference links will always be emitted if available. 1.17-1.24 (Removed in 1.24)


Get the current user's Special:Watchlist as a feed.


(main | feedwatchlist)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • Source: MediaWiki
  • License: GPL-2.0+

Returns a watchlist feed.


The format of the feed.

One of the following values: rss, atom
Default: rss

List pages modified within this many hours from now.

The value must be between 1 and 72.
Type: integer
Default: 24

Link directly to changed sections if possible.

Type: boolean (details)

Include multiple revisions of the same page within given timeframe.

Type: boolean (details)

Used along with token to access a different user's watchlist.

Type: user name

A security token (available in the user's preferences) to allow access to another user's watchlist.


Show only items that meet these criteria. For example, to see only minor edits done by logged-in users, set show=minor|!anon.

Values (separate with | or alternative): minor, !minor, bot, !bot, anon, !anon, patrolled, !patrolled, unread, !unread

Which types of changes to show:

Regular page edits.
Page creations.
Log entries.
External changes.
Category membership changes.
Values (separate with | or alternative): edit, new, log, external, categorize
Default: edit|new|log|categorize

Don't list changes by this user.

Type: user name
Show the watchlist feed.
api.php?action=feedwatchlist [open in sandbox]
Show all changes to watched pages in the past 6 hours.
api.php?action=feedwatchlist&allrev=&hours=6 [open in sandbox]