Ensemble Auditions

See the link under "Current" on the main page of this site for the current schedule of ensemble auditions.

Ensemble Auditions Overview

The information on this page deals with auditions for placement in Jazz Studies ensembles. See the link under "Current" on the main page of this site for the current schedule of ensemble auditions.

For information on auditions for admission to the jazz studies major and for jazz scholarships, see this page.

For information on auditions for admission to the College of Music, see these pages:
undergraduate | graduate

Please note that the audition requirements listed on the College of Music's graduate auditions page apply to those who are applying for graduate-level Performance degrees. The M.M. in Jazz Studies currently requires only the audition for admission into the Jazz Studies degree. Many Jazz Studies graduates, however, choose Performance as their related field, and in this case, the College of Music graduate Performance audition is required.

Bass Auditions

Jazz lab auditions take place each semester the week prior to the start of classes. They consist of sight-reading typical big band charts: reading notes, walking bass lines and soloing. Sign-up sheets will be posted on the door of Lynn Seaton's office, room 279 in the Music Building. Bring both acoustic and electric basses if you play both. Bring a cable for the electric bass. Please be prepared to play (instruments out of the case and tuned) ten minutes before your scheduled audition time.

See the link under "Current" on the main page of this site for the current schedule of ensemble auditions.

Drumset Auditions

To be eligible for jazz ensemble auditions drummers must have the ability to sight read and interpret representative drum parts from the ensemble literature. Sight reading examinations are usually given the week before classes begin of each long semester. Sign up sheets for the examination and further information are posted on the percussion bulletin board across from the percussion office (room 131) a week before the examination date.

See the link under "Current" on the main page of this site for the current schedule of ensemble auditions.

Guitar Auditions

Guitarists will perform a live audition before classes begin for ensemble and lesson or master class placement. This will focus on sight reading of both lines and chord changes and improvising.

See the link under "Current" on the main page of this site for the current schedule of ensemble auditions.

Jazz Piano Auditions

Jazz piano auditions for lab ensemble placements are typically held on the Friday and Saturday immediately prior to the first week of classes. A sign-up schedule will be posted onto office door #272 (Stefan Karlsson's office). See the link under "Current" on the main page of this site for the current schedule of ensemble auditions.

Students should prepare a selection of their own choice (ideally a well-known jazz standard). Also, each student will be asked to play a standard tune (on sight) with a play-along recording. Finally, you will be expected to voice chords using typical inversions, and read from both chord symbols and written notes.

Zebras Auditions: Students must first complete their regular Jazz Lab audition before attempting a Zebras audition.

1) Keyboards: The audition requires the use of a synthesizer and will measure the student's understanding of electronic idioms. Sight reading of intricate note passages and improvisational skills will be assessed.

2) Rhythm section and horns: Pending the repertoire and horn line-up for each semester, lab band auditioners will recommend a number of qualified horn players to audition. They will perform a final audition during the first week of classes during the regular Zebras rehearsal time (T/TH 11AM in room 263).

Jazz Repertory Ensemble Auditions

To audition for this ensemble, students should play the regular Lab Band audition and check the option on the form that indicates an interest in being considered for jazz repertory ensemble. The instrumentation varies each semester according to the repertoire.

Students will need to have the rehearsal time, MWF 12-12:50, available in their schedule. Our rehearsals happen during departmental recital time for saxophones, trumpets, and trombones. Saxophonists who need to play on the departmental should sign up for the beginning of the recital and send a sub to the first part of repertory ensemble rehearsal, play on departmental, and then come to rehearsal.

Undergraduate trumpets and trombones should have completed the first two years of applied study and be taking applied lessons in the jazz idiom; otherwise it will cause a conflict with your required attendance at departmental recitals.

Saxophones, trumpets, and trombones will be chosen for the band based on the results of the general lab band audition.

Piano, guitar, and bass chairs are chosen by Stefan Karlsson, Fred Hamilton, Lynn Seaton, respectively. Ed Soph chooses the drummers who will audition for the Jazz Repertory Ensemble director. If you are auditioning on one of these instruments and are interested in being considered for jazz repertory ensemble, please let your professor know.

See the link under "Current" on the main page of this site for the current schedule of ensemble auditions.

Saxophone Auditions

Auditions are held on the Friday and Saturday immediately prior to the first week of classes. Sign-up sheets are located on the door of Brad Leali's office. Please be warmed up and ready to play at your designated time. Reading auditions are accomplished with a metronome (everyone has the same tempo). There will be four musical examples of different styles and difficulty. We rate the tone quality, rhythmic reading, note reading and stylistic conception for each piece.

Reading audition results will be posted Monday morning on the lab band bulletin board. Saxophone section call-back auditions will be Monday at 1:00 pm in Kenton Hall; approximately 20 saxophonists. Saxophone jazz improvisation call back auditions will be Monday evening in Lab Band East, room 263 (time to be announced later; approximately 20 saxophonists).

See the link under "Current" on the main page of this site for the current schedule of ensemble auditions.

Trombone Auditions

Trombone Auditions for Lab Bands will be held in Steve Wiest's office (Room 274). See the link under "Current" on the main page of this site for the current schedule of ensemble auditions.

A sign up sheet will be posted on Professor Wiest's office door.
Please sign up for a consecutive spot, don't leave big gaps in the schedule.

The trombone auditions on that day will consist of sight reading. The pieces will be chosen for bass trombone or lead trombone, and you will each be asked to read two to three pieces of different styles from the UNT Jazz Library. You will also be asked to fill out a form that will give us information concerning your schedule and how you will be listed in the Jazz Directory.

At the end of your audition, you may also be assigned to take part in a general improvisation audition and/or a "call back" improvisation audition designed specifically for upper Lab Band spots.

Trumpet Auditions

Each semester Lab Band trumpet auditions are held immediately preceding the first week of classes. Sign-up sheets are posted on the door to MU353 (Mike Steinel's office).

See the link under "Current" on the main page of this site for the current schedule of ensemble auditions.

Lab Band trumpet auditions are used to place students into section and/or lead positions in the Lab Bands, Jazz Repertory Lab, Electronic Keyboard Lab, and Jazz Singers. The audition will consist of sight-reading music in a variety of styles. These may include a ballad, a swing tune (medium to fast), and a latin or rock tune. Students auditioning for lead chairs will play music which may be written above a high Eb (concert pitch).

At a later time (usually Sunday evening preceding the first day of classes) students with expertise in improvisation will audition for jazz chair placement. This audition consists of improvising at sight over chord changes in a variety of styles and tempos. Students may sign-up for a jazz chair audition at room 353. Students should be prepared to play (warmed up with instrument assembled) ten minutes before their scheduled audition time.

Vocal Jazz Ensemble Auditions


Thanks to all who auditioned! Unfortunately, due to schedule conflicts and mismatched experience levels, we were unable to place every singer in an ensemble. If you were not selected at this time, please consider re-auditioning in the future! We are very excited about ensembles for this semester. First rehearsals will begin on THURSDAY, January 19 for Jazz Singers at 12:30 p.m. & Third Street at 2 p.m. (in Lab East), and West End at 7 p.m., (in Room 262) and Friday, January 20 for Avenue C at 12 noon (Lab East). If you have any schedule questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer Barnes right away by e-mail:

Congratulations to the following new and returning members of West End, Third Street and Avenue C (names listed from high voice part to low within each group):

JAZZ SINGERS (Directed by Jennifer Barnes):
Anna Jalkéus
Kara Walton
Carleigh Reese
Stephanie Hansen
Jackie Yin
Lizzie Trumbore
Juan Pablo de la Mora
Zach Yaholkovsky
Andrew Evangelista
Justin Binek

AVENUE C (Directed by Andrew Evangelista):
Madison Russell
Kayla DePretto
Erika Morgan
Lea Grant
Sena Moon
Heather Hague
Sara Finkle
Li Liu
Ariel Ditta
Karina Harenburg
Yun-Hua Tsai

THIRD STREET (Directed by Andrew Evangelista):
Bridgette Pineau
Victoria Hutchings
Megan Nguyen
Audry Oliver
Selena Jang
Nohemi Elias
Hale Baskin
Nash Turbeville
Josh Rudes
Grant Carrington
Fan Zou
Ken Ballard
Kevin Schwandt
Ryan Espinosa
Jack White

WEST END (Directed by Justin Binek):
Nancy Killoran
Grace Han
Frances Jimenez
Baylee Van Ryswyk
Madellyn Moran
Francisco Martinez
Alex Hodge
Roger Hunt
Bobby Gotsch
John Bradley