
General Information

Creating a Composition Student Profile

All students enrolled in composition lessons are required to register on the composition division website and submit their current student information. The submitted information will be maintained for composition faculty and staff reference and must be kept current so that students may be contacted regarding course enrollment, student awards, employment opportunities, and in the case of an emergency. Students may also use this profile page to upload files for regular student evaluations (juries, hearings, graduate reviews) and to request faculty studios at the beginning of each class registration period. By creating and updating this profile, the student acknowledges that he/she understands the composition division policies and procedures posted on this website and has registered on the UNT composers listserv. Students must update this profile each semester in order to receive course restriction codes for the subsequent semester.

Performance Opportunities

Composition students are expected to compose for a variety of performance media and are afforded numerous opportunities to hear their original compositions while working in the program. The Spectrum series features new solo and chamber works for instruments and voices, often utilizing new technologies and intermedia. These programs are presented throughout the fall and spring semesters, and are listed in the calendar section of this website.

Undergraduate and graduate students in music and other disciplines may participate in the Intermedia Performance Arts course. Participation in this course includes the production and performance of individual and group intermedia compositions emphasizing computer music media and utilizing the resources of the Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater.

The UNT Symphony Orchestra’s annual Concerto Competition program features the most outstanding student performers in the College of Music and also offers an opportunity for student composers to have their works presented.

In addition to the performance opportunities above, the composition division organizes regular composition workshops and open reading sessions by the UNT Symphony Orchestra, Nova Ensemble, and other College of Music ensembles. Such opportunities are posted on the composition bulletin board and website and distributed to the composers listserv as they arise.

Student Organizations

The Composers Forum is a student organization devoted to coordinating performances and bringing new works to public attention. The organization was formed to foster the spirit of collaboration between composers, performers, and artists of all kinds throughout the UNT community.

The undergraduate and graduate vice presidents of the Composers Forum also serve as representatives on the Student Advisory Council, a committee comprised of students throughout the College of Music that regularly meets with the dean to discuss issues pertinent to all music students. Composition students should contact the appropriate representative if there are concerns to be presented before the Student Advisory Council.

UNT Composers Listserv

The UNT composers listserv is the primary means of disseminating important information among students and faculty in the composition program, including announcements concerning division events and various opportunities for professional and creative development. All students enrolled in composition courses are expected to register for the listserv, and must do so in order to have works considered for Spectrum performances. Composition students may subscribe to the list as follows:

  1. Using your e-mail account, send a message to; in the body of the e-mail message (not the subject line) type "subscribe unt-composers [first name] [last name]" (without quotes — e.g., subscribe unt-composers John Cage).
  2. After the subscription is accepted by the list server, you will receive a message asking you for confirmation by sending a reply with "ok" (without quotes) in the body of the e-mail message.
  3. When your subscription has been accepted by the server, you will receive a long message explaining how to use the list. To send a message to everyone on the list, use the e-mail address

To be removed from the list, send an e-mail to and in the body of the e-mail message (not the subject line) type "signoff unt-composers" (without quotes).

Student Achievements

Composition students are encouraged to actively seek opportunities for professional development and are expected to maintain a record of these honors and activities as part of a résumé or vita, which will be reviewed during the student evaluations that are scheduled throughout the year. Composition students who are recognized for their creative or scholarly work (including significant performances, commissions, grants, residencies, selection for conferences, residencies, festivals, and other honors) should inform the composition division chair by the end of each semester. This information is published in Counterpoint magazine and posted on the composition bulletin board and in the Student News section of this website. The information submitted should conform to the following guidelines:

  1. Submitted electronically in a format that can be easily imported into another document;
  2. Written in the third person in a style similar to that posted on the website;
  3. Focusing on activities that have regional, national, or international significance, rather than local activities such as performances on Spectrum concerts.

In some cases, students may also be eligible for travel funding through the division, college, or university to participate in such events.

Each spring semester, the composition faculty selects an outstanding undergraduate and graduate student to be recognized at the annual University Honor's Day ceremony. Students are selected for this honor based upon demonstrated talent, academic achievement, and contribution to the program. A list of past recipients is posted in the Achievements section of this website.