UNTHSC Logo Catalog 2012-2013

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Office of Student and Academic Services

The Office of Student and Academic Services (OSAS) helps applicants and students pursue their academic goals of becoming public health researchers and professionals. OSAS provides centralized comprehensive student services to all applicants, students, and alumni of the UNT Health Science Center School of Public Health, including pre-admission counseling, guidance related to degree requirements and academic deadlines, career placement services, student development activities, and school-funded financial aid and scholarships.

The School of Public Health offers the following forms of financial assistance to new and continuing students:

Dean's Scholarship for Incoming Students – Offered to a limited number of incoming students in the fall semester, this competitive scholarship provides financial assistance in the fall and spring semesters during the student's first year at the School of Public Health. This competitive scholarship also provides an out-of-state tuition waiver for students that do not meet Texas residency requirements.

Dean's Scholarship for Continuing Students – Offered to a limited number of continuing students in the fall semester, this competitive scholarship provides financial assistance in the fall semester and spring semesters after a student's first year at the School of Public Health. This competitive scholarship also provides an out-of-state tuition waiver for students not meeting Texas residency requirements.

Graduate Student Assistantships – Offered to a limited number of incoming students in the fall semester, this competitive assistantship allows students to work up to 19 hours per week with departments and faculty during the fall and spring semester of a student's first year at the School of Public Health.

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of Student and Academic Services at 817-735-2401, go to www.hsc.unt.edu, or visit OSAS in the Education and Administration (EAD) building, 7th Floor, Room 716.

This page last modified April 19, 2012

Catalog Contents

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