UNTHSC Logo Catalog 2012-2013

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Physical Therapy Course Descriptions

DPHT 7133. Preliminary Clinical Practicum
1 SCH. Preliminary Clinical Practicum consists of two weeks of supervised full-time clinical practice in the first year of the Summer semester and is the first of five (5) clinical experiences. The course will acquaint the students to various clinical environments. This clinical course emphasizes observation and reflection of characteristics of professional practice as demonstrated by health care providers in clinical practice, as well as a chance to practice basic skills. Pass/No Pass Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7153. Scholarly Project I
1 SCH. Scholarly Project I continues the focus of DPHT 7272 EBP IV through selection and review of pertinent literature. Clinical reasoning and critical thinking are refined and supported through analysis of the literature. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7192. Capstone
1 SCH. During the capstone experience, the student will be engaged in the following three activities: (1) presenting the scholarly project; (2) taking a comprehensive exam as part of the program's Post-Test practice comprehensive exam for program evaluation; (3) participating in a licensure preparatory course. The first part of the Capstone course prepares the students to present their scholarly project work in an oral or poster format. The second part of the Capstone course includes a comprehensive practical exam to review the effectiveness of the program's educational outcomes. The third part of the Capstone course consists of a licensing examination review seminar provided by the professionals in the field of physical therapy educational resources. The seminar will provide the most comprehensive resources and tools for students to develop an efficient and effective study plan, assess their individual strengths and weaknesses and increase their critical reasoning skills to pass the National Physical Therapy Examination. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7200. Gross Anatomy II
2 SCH. Gross Anatomy II the second in a series of two (2) courses to study human anatomical structures and their function covering chest cavity (wall, lungs, heart, mediastinal structures), abdominal cavity (diaphragm, walls, and all internal organs), and pelvic cavity (walls and organs). Learning strategies utilized include lectures and laboratory-based studies, anatomical models, prosected cadavers, and anatomy software. Regional and topographical findings are also correlated with the underlying structures. Conversion Grade Basis - SPH Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7209. Foundations of Physical Therapy
2 SCH. Foundations of Physical Therapy addresses the professional socialization process, professional values, and professionalism. An understanding of ethical and legal issues affecting the physical therapy profession is taught, with special regard to patient's rights to confidentiality and dignity. Additionally, professional codes and guides of behavior are emphasized in relation to the delivery of competent, ethical, legal, and compassionate care. Other topics include: verbal and nonverbal communication (active/effective listening, empathetic responding), professional communication, cultural competency, relationships with others (stress management, conflict resolution), and patients/clients' emotional responses to illness and disability. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7221. EBP I: Research Design & Measurement
2 SCH. EBP I: Research Design & Measurement is the first in a series of four (4) to introduce the student to evidence-based practice concepts that integrate the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and patient's/client's unique values and circumstances. The course emphasizes methods to access professional literature databases, and review, analyze and critique the literature that affects physical therapy practice. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7225. Culture/Teaching & Learning
2 SCH. Culture /Teaching & Learning examines cultural and psychosocial issues of special populations in health care with emphasis in physical therapy. Cultural and psychosocial variables are examined in relation to patient/client's beliefs, attitudes, disease/injury, ethnicity, homelessness, traditions, empowerment and partnership. Empathetic responding, patient-centered care approach, and utilization of teaching and learning strategies are included to enhance DPT student's role as a patient/client's educator. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7231. EBP II: Case Scenarios
2 SCH. EBP II is the second in a series of four (4) to use patient case scenarios to answer clinical questions in regard to patient's/client's diagnosis, measurement, prognosis, intervention, comparison intervention, and outcomes using research designs, variables, measurement and validity. This course emphasis will be evaluating case scenarios to appraise the evidence and answer questions about diagnosis, measurement, and prognosis. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7244. EBP III: Case Scenarios
2 SCH. EBP III is the third in a series of four (4) to use patient case scenarios to answer clinical questions in regard to patient's/client's diagnosis, measurement, prognosis, intervention, comparison intervention, and outcomes using research designs, variables, measurement and validity. This course emphasis will be evaluating case scenarios to appraise the evidence and answer questions about interventions, comparison interventions and outcomes. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7254. Diagnostic Testing & Imaging
2 SCH. Diagnostic Testing & Imaging discusses the basic principles, purpose and process of imaging analysis applied to patient/client management in physical therapy practice. Basic interpretation methods of assessing radiographic imaging and application of findings to physical therapy examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and interventions are included. Additionally, the ability to demonstrate clinical judgment and recognize diagnostic imaging findings that trigger a medical referral is emphasized. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7255. Issues in Rural Health
2 SCH. Issues in Rural Health provides physical therapy students an understanding of major issues in the rural health care system and the environment in which the physical therapists as rural health clinicians must function. This course will provide an understanding of the demographics, economics, and structure of the healthcare delivery system in rural America with a concentration to the diverse population in Texas regions. Additionally, the current Federal and state health policy will be examined with special attention on reports from the Center for Rural Affairs and reform legislations addressed by the U.S. Congress and the White House. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7256. Health Promotion
2 SCH. Health Promotion emphasizes discussion and application of elements of health and wellness during the process of examination, evaluation and intervention. Elements of physical activity, nutrition, medical/complimentary strategies, behaviors/risk factors modification are included. The national strategy for improving American health is discussed in context of expanding physical therapists' role in health promotion through teaching and learning strategies to help patients/clients redesign their lifestyles. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7270. Business & Leadership in Physical Therapy
2 SCH. Business & Leadership in Physical Therapy discusses principles of leadership and management for physical therapy practice, including ethical behaviors and beliefs; change management; motivating; coaching and mentoring; lifelong learning; business and strategic planning; financial management; personnel recruitment and retention; liability issues and risk management; effective marketing and consulting skills. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7271. Prosthetics , Orthotics & Advanced Gait
2 SCH. Prosthetics, Orthoses & Advanced Gait discusses pathological gait of patients/clients with neuromuscular, musculoskeletal and/or integumentary impairments/functional limitations using prosthetic and orthotic devices. The course emphasizes types of orthotic and prosthetic devices, assessments, reassessment and corrections of gait deviations using therapeutic interventions geared toward functional interventions, patient/family education, exercises, and balance and coordination techniques. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7272. EBP IV: Case Scenarios
2 SCH. EBP IV is the fourth and last one in a series of four (4) to use patient case scenarios to answer clinical questions in regard to patient's/client's diagnosis, measurement, prognosis, intervention, comparison intervention, and outcomes using research designs, variables, measurement and validity. This course emphasis will be in the critical analysis of current practice guidelines and clinical trials to answer clinical questions in any practice setting. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7281. Scholarly Project II
1 SCH. Scholarly Project II is the second in a series of two (2) courses that uses a critical analysis process to answer research/clinical questions and results in a scholarly paper in accordance with specific manuscript guidelines. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7291. Special Topics
2 SCH. This elective course is designed to give students exposure to specialized topics related to the field of physical therapy. Students can choose from the following topics: Osteopathic Model; Advanced Rural Health; or Spanish for Health Professionals. Letter Grade Effective 2010-04-30
DPHT 7305. Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology
3 SCH. Applied Anatomy & Kinesiology is an integrated study of applied anatomy, kinesiology, and biomechanics as they relate specifically to the analysis of human movement. Emphasis is placed on observational skills as well as an integrated understanding of muscle function and resultant musculoskeletal movements. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7307. Clinical Reasoning I: Intro to Examination
3 SCH. Clinical Reasoning I is the first in a series of two (2) to cover differential diagnosis within the scope of physical therapy practice. Exploration of basic concepts of clinical decision making and problem solving are included, and models of clinical reasoning are identified. Additionally, the course introduces the Guide terminology regarding disease, pathophysiology, impairments, functional limitation, disability, handicap and societal limitation. Using patient case scenarios, the course integrates clinical screening process of the physical examination including history taking, physiologic status, posture, flexibility, strength/motor performance. The WHO ICF model is emphasized throughout the course delineating the consequences of disease and injury at the level of the person and of society. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7320. Integrated Control of Movement
3 SCH. Integrated Control of Movement addresses the multidisciplinary areas of neuroscience, biomechanics, psychology and other disciplines. The emphasis of this course is analyzing information from evidence-based research to understand movement patterns and implications for therapeutic interventions. Laboratory practice highlights tests and measures that characterize or quantify posture, gait, locomotion, balance, and the initiation, modification and control of movement patterns during motor learning. Mechanisms of neural plasticity and their impact on patient's/client's recovery of function are also addressed. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7322. Pathology/Pharmacology in Physical Therapy
2 SCH. Pathology/Pharmacology in Physical Therapy consists of three (3) one hour lecture per week. This course is designed to give the student a basic understanding of general pathology with emphasis on how the various conditions impact on physical therapy practice. Epidemiological factors such as incidence, prevalence, prognosis and genetic aspects are discussed in addition to topics regarding injury, inflammation and healing. The focus of pharmacology is to provide a foundation in understanding the medications used across the lifespan to treat a variety of diagnoses commonly seen in clinical practice. Emphasis will be on musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiopulmonary pharmacotherapy in relation to adverse clinical reactions. Additionally, this course introduces pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics principles of dose-response relationships, administration and enhancement of drug absorption, potential drug interactions including life-threatening drug effects seen in patients/clients receiving physical therapy. Letter Grade Effective 2010-04-30
DPHT 7323. Applied Exercise Physiology
3 SCH. Applied Exercise Physiology concentrates on physiological and biochemical responses occurring in various body systems with exercise/activity in healthy individuals and individuals with diseases/disorders. Neural, muscular, cardiovascular and pulmonary adaptations to regular exercise of various types are discussed. Factors that influence the response to exercise such as age, sex and environment are discussed. Principles of exercise testing and prescription are addressed for healthy individuals as well as patients in rehabilitation using exercise as a preventive and/or intervention tool. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7324. Development and Geriatrics
3 SCH. Development and Geriatrics follows sequential human development from neonate through geriatric, as applied to physical, cognitive and psychosocial changes observed in physical therapy practice. Special emphasis is on physical therapy examination and evaluation of gross motor skills in children and older adults. Neuromusculoskeletal changes are analyzed to determine the rate of change and patterns of development. Theories of normal and pathological aging are discussed as well as integration of physical, psychosocial and social issues of aging in physical therapy practice. Stages of development are also related to patient's/client's teaching and learning strategies for parents of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school-age children, adolescents, and respectively young, middle and old adults. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7330. Therapeutic Exercise I
3 SCH. Therapeutic Exercise I is the first in a series of two to discuss the application of neuromuscular control principles, anatomy, and biomechanics to the development of sound therapeutic exercise procedures. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on the interpretation of research literature as it pertains to therapeutic exercise prescription for individuals with movement dysfunction. The concepts specificity of training and milestone progression will be included in the course's four primary areas: range of motion, stretching, training for optimal strength/endurance/skill, and population considerations. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7331. Therapeutic Interventions I
2 SCH. Therapeutic Interventions I is an integrated study of theoretical basis for patient's/client's examination, evaluation and intervention strategies used to alleviate movement dysfunction caused by a multitude of pathologies. Developing knowledge and skills in proper patient and therapist body mechanics, transfer techniques, bed mobility training, wheelchair design, patient positioning and draping and use of ambulatory assistive devices are emphasized. Additionally, the course will include development of a plan of care taking into consideration problem solving, clinical decision making evidenced based practice and patient-centered care for a patient with movement dysfunction and/or pain. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7332. Therapeutic Interventions II
3 SCH. Therapeutic Interventions II is an integrated study of the theoretical basis for patient's/client's examination, evaluation and intervention strategies used in acute care settings. Concepts related to medical and physical management of a patient/client as related to injury and disease/disorder will be discussed. Additionally, the course will include the utilization of physical agents in the plan of care taking into consideration problem solving, clinical decision making and most current research. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7340. Cardiovascular- Pulmonary and Integumentary PT
3 SCH. Cardiovascular-Pulmonary and Integumentary PT is an integrated study of the examination, evaluation and management of patients/clients with cardiovascular, pulmonary, and integumentary diseases/dysfunctions. Emphasis is placed on the integration of results from diagnostic tests and measures with physical findings for the development of a physical therapy plan of care and implementation of appropriate interventions. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7342. Neuromuscular Physical Therapy I
3 SCH. Neuromuscular Physical Therapy I is the first in a series of two (2) to focus on examination, evaluation and interventions of a patient/client with neurologic, neuromuscular and developmental dysfunctions. Course content has been designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the pathophysiology and physical therapy management related to neuromuscular disorders. Emphasis is placed on the mechanism of injury, survey of epidemiology and etiology, symptomatology, pathology, and acute management and prognosis of specific neuromuscular disorders. The course content has been designed to provide the student with an understanding of theoretical treatment models based on normal sensorimotor development, neurophysiology, and motor control as a basis for clinical decision making. Treatment approaches to be discussed include Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT), Brunnstrom, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), and Motor Relearning Program (MRP). Integration of treatment approaches will be emphasized. Upon completion of the course, students will be expected to synthesize course content in such a way as to demonstrate competency in the professional behaviors necessary for becoming an effective physical therapist. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7343. Clinical Reasoning II: Advanced Examination & Evaluation
3 SCH. Clinical Reasoning II: Advanced Examination & Evaluation is the second in a series of two (2) to cover differential diagnosis within the scope of physical therapy practice. Further exploration of the physical therapy examination, evaluation and management process is included. Using patient case scenarios, Recognizing histories, risk factors, and signs and symptoms of conditions that may indicate referral is emphasized. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7350. Therapeutic Exercise II
1 SCH. Therapeutic Exercise II is the second in a series of two (2) to discuss the integration of therapeutic exercise/interventions prescription with evidence based practice and outcome selection. Management guidelines based on pathophysiology and patient's/client's impairments are emphasized for acute, subacute and chronic medical conditions. Application of therapeutic exercises using these guidelines is applied to body systems/structures for various medical conditions. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7352. Neuromuscular Physical Therapy II
4 SCH. Neuromuscular Physical Therapy II is the second in a series of two (2) to focus on examination, evaluation and interventions of adult and children with neurologic, neuromuscular and developmental dysfunctions. The instructional approach of the course will include didactic lecture and case study presentations with an emphasis on problem-oriented learning in an effort to encourage active student participation and clinical decision making. Laboratory sessions will emphasize the development of specific psychomotor skills necessary for the successful assessment and treatment of the adult neurological client. Dysfunctions include, but are not limited, to cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, and developmental coordination disorders. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7400. Gross Anatomy I
4 SCH. Gross Anatomy I the first in a series of two (2) courses designed to study human anatomical structures and their function, covering upper extremity, back/vertebral column, lower extremity, head and neck, eyes and ears, and neural anatomy (motor, sensory and autonomic systems). Learning strategies utilized include lectures and laboratory-based studies, anatomical models, prosected cadavers, and anatomy software. Regional and topographical findings are also correlated with the underlying structures. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7445. Clinical Practicum I
3 SCH. Clinical Practicum I consists of six (6) weeks of full time clinical practice in a clinical environment. This course is the second in a series of five (5) supervised full-time clinical experiences. This clinical course emphasizes application of physical therapy knowledge, skills and behaviors appropriate to patient and practice management. Pass/No Pass Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7501. Clinical Med I
3 SCH. Clinical Med I is the first in a series of two (2) courses to cover the basic pathophysiology that physical therapists may deal with during their practice including the following: nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, gastrointestinal, metabolic reproductive and endocrine systems. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7502. Clinical Med II
3 SCH. Clinical Med II is the second in a series of two (2) to provide a foundation in understanding the medications used across the lifespan to treat a variety of diagnoses commonly seen in clinical practice. Emphasis will be on Anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxants, musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardiopulmonary pharmacotherapy in relation to adverse clinical reactions. Additionally, this course introduces pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics principles, potential drug interactions seen in patients/clients receiving physical therapy and integrate these principles with common pathologies. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7541. Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I
4 SCH. Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy I is the first in a series of two (2) to discuss the musculoskeletal dysfunction philosophy as related primarily to musculoskeletal problems of the extremities and peripheral joints. Principles of musculoskeletal examination, evaluation, and interventions of a patient/client with musculoskeletal dysfunction are presented. Intervention approaches emphasize manual therapy strategies. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7551. Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy II
4 SCH. Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy II is the second in a series of two (2) to discuss the musculoskeletal dysfunction philosophy as related primarily to the spine. Spinal evaluation and interventions, spinal mobilization, dynamic stabilization programs, muscle imbalances and industrial rehabilitation are presented. Intervention approaches emphasize manual therapy strategies. Letter Grade Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7560. Clinical Practicum II
4 SCH. Clinical Practicum II consists of eight (8) weeks of full time supervised clinical practice and is the third in a series of five (5) clinical experiences. This clinical course emphasizes application and analysis of physical therapy knowledge, skills and behaviors appropriate to patient and practice management. Pass/No Pass Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7673. Clinical Practicum III
4 SCH. Clinical Practicum III consists of eight (8) weeks of full time supervised clinical practice and is the fourth in a series of five (5) clinical experiences. This clinical course continues the focus of DPHT 7560 through application and further analysis of physical therapy knowledge, skills and behaviors appropriate to patient and practice management. Pass/No Pass Effective 2012-02-13
DPHT 7780. Specialized Internship
6 SCH. Directed Specialized Internship consists of twelve (12) weeks of full time supervised clinical practice in the students? selected area(s) of physical therapy practice which refines the critical thinking and clinical decision making processes as well as integration of evidence-based practice to guide autonomous practice and professional development. Pass/No Pass Effective 2012-02-13

This page last modified April 20, 2012

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