
Any printed collateral material or publications (brochures, fliers, newsletters, etc.) intended for mailing/distribution to external audiences must be approved by Marketing and Communications and designed professionally by Marketing and Communications or its designee.

Photography and Videography

UNT Dallas shall operate under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA ). No identifying information regarding a student may be released without specific written consent of the student or his/her legal guardian. For more information on image and likeness releases, please contact Marketing & Communications or the Registrar’s office. Students should refrain from appearing in photos if they do not desire to appear in material promoting the institution.


We communicate about UNT Dallas via appropriate internal vehicles across campus as well as to local, regional and national communities via print, broadcast, electronic and social media.

If you have newsworthy information to share, please send a summary of the news item to The information will be evaluated for inclusion in internal vehicles and/or distribution externally.

New Leader Announcements

Marketing and Communications will announce the hiring or promotion of faculty and staff who are at the director level or above, including: president, provost, vice president, dean and chair. This announcement will include:

External announcements: A news release will be issued stating the new leader’s start date and featuring a photo. The “Leadership” page on the UNT Dallas website will be updated by The Office of the President. The employing department will update its website (if applicable).

Internal Announcements: The employing department can announce the new leader’s information in an electronic message announcing the appointment when a contract (if applicable) is final. The Marketing & Communications Department will announce the new leader’s position in the Weekly Campus Update electronic newsletter.

NOTE : Individuals leaving a department/institution are not announced. Retirement parties should be announced by the department via a targeted message to individuals/departments and posted on the Weekly Campus Update calendar. See guidelines for death/funeral notices for more information about those circumstances.

Know something interesting happening on campus?