

The UNTRA Bylaws, which were approved in December 2016, establish a Board, Officers and Committees to conduct the business of the Association. Click here for a list of Bylaws. Below are details about the Board Members and the various committees within UNTRA.


Chair:             Keith Shelton
Past-Chair:    Johnny Sue Reynolds
Secretary:      Kay Selby
Treasurer:     Vicki Whitmer


Mike Amador
Marcilla Collinsworth

Ken Dickson
Ed Glick
Tom Hoemeke
Melody Kelly
Robert Killam
Clarice Luce
Claudia Lynch
Jim Morrow
Johnny Sue Reynolds
Kay Selby
Keith Shelton
Richard Simms
John Todd
Vicki Whitmer

Click here to view the UNTRA Board's contact information.


1. PROGRAMS COMMITTEE:  Proposes, plans and conducts programs and events of the Association.
2. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE:  Recruits new members, helps maintain membership records, and coordinates membership matters.
3. BENEFITS COMMITTEE:  Provides liaison with all appropriate UNT offices related to University policies and practices affecting retirees and seeks UNTRA representation on UNT forums where appropriate.
4. NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE:  Identifies UNTRA members willing to fill Board positions vacated each year by virtue of expiration-of-term or resignation.


Committees are each chaired by a member of the Board.  Participation on committees is open to and encouraged for all UNTRA members.  Members interested in any UNTRA committee may contact any member of the Board or the committee chair.