Office of the President

Office of the President

Planning Implementation

"Let’s fulfill the opportunity we have to be the best university anyone has ever heard of, providing the best education in Texas. And let's celebrate our excellence."

— President Neal Smatresk

Planning for the Future

Like everyone in the UNT community, President Neal Smatresk has big dreams for UNT. He sees a UNT that excels at providing the best education to students and transforming an increasingly first-generation student population into the workforce and leaders of tomorrow. He sees a UNT that is a first choice university and partner, known around the world for its excellence and creative bent. And he sees a UNT that one day is among the top public research institutions in the nation, delivering the innovations and intellect that will solve global problems and power the economy.

President Smatresk’s vision for UNT is rooted in concrete plans with clear action and accountability — plans that are both a to-do list for today and a roadmap for tomorrow.

“Plans are not a set of goals. Plans are a series of action steps that you use to achieve your goals and that you measure yourself against with metrics,” Smatresk says.

Planning Implementation Cycle
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Each year through planning implementation workshops, the president and UNT stakeholders develop an action plan that details what the university should accomplish in the academic year to make progress and move closer to its goals and dreams. President Smatresk unveils the action plan at the annual State of the University in September and assigns implementation teams. By the end of the academic year, the teams report their progress with metrics and next steps.

The annual planning cycle includes:

  • Planning Implementation Workshop: Annual summer meeting to develop priorities for the coming academic year from broad internal and external stakeholder input
  • State of the University: President’s annual address to campus detailing progress from the past year and priorities going forward. Learn about the 2016 State of the University.
  • Periodic and Annual Reporting: Updates from the Planning Implementation teams throughout the year and in the year-end report  

2016 Planning Implementation Workshop: UNiTed by Purpose

2015 Planning Implementation Workshop: Owning Excellence

2014 Planning Implementation Workshop: Better Together




