Postgraduate Scholarships and Fellowships


Deadlines may vary from year to year.
Confirmation is the responsibility of the applicant.

Rhodes Scholarships

British Marshall Scholarships

U.S. Fulbright Graduate Student Program

James Madison Memorial Fellowship

Harry S. Truman Scholarships

AED Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship Program

George Washington Fellows Program in Religion and Public Life

Andrew W. Mellon Fellowships in Humanistic Studies

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship

Although sponsored by the University of Illinois, Kate Neal Kinley Memorial Fellowship is open, as well, to other graduates of colleges of fine and applied arts whose principal major studies have been in the fields of Architecture, Art, or Music. Three major fellowships will allow recipients to defray the expenses of advanced study of the Fine Arts in America or abroad.

Restrictions: Although there is no age limitation for applicants, preference will be given to applicants who have not reached their twenty-fifth birthday. The fellowship will be awarded upon the basis of unusual promise in the Fine Arts as attested by: (a) high attainment in the applicant's major field of study, as witnessed by academic marks and quality of work submitted or performed, (c) high attainment in related cultural fields, as witnessed by academic marks, (c) the character, merit,and suitability of the program proposed by the applicant.

Deadlines: February 16.

Amount of grant: $7,000

Contact Office of Postgraduate Fellowships for further information.

Students who are interested in this scholarship should consider applying for Rhodes, Marshall, Mellon, Peggy Guggenheim Studentships, Hilla Rebay Fellowships, and Abigail and Adams Smith Museum/Hearst Foundation Fellowships. The Office of Postgraduate Fellowships will explore these and other possibilities for students in the College of Visual Arts.

National Science Foundation

Graduate Fellowships

Fellowships are awarded for graduate study leading to research-based master's or doctoral degrees in the mathematical, physical, biological, engineering, behavioral, and social sciences, and in the history of science and the philosophy of science. Awards are also made for work toward a research-based doctorate in science education that requires a science competence comparable to that for the doctoral candidates in those disciplines.

Requirements: Competition is open only to applicants who are citizens or nationals of the United States, or permanent resident aliens of the United States, at the time of application. GRE scores are a highly important part of the application. All applicants are expected to take the GRE general test (verbal, quantitative, and analytical) and should take a GRE subject test in the science or engineering field most closely related to their chosen area of graduate study.

Amount of grant: Fellowships are for a maximum tenure period of three years, usable over a five-year period. In 1994 the stipends were $14,400 for twelve-month tenures. NSF subvention also allows institutions to exempt fellows from paying tuition and fees normally charged to students of similar academic standing.

Dates: Applicants may apply during the senior year of college or during the first year of graduate school. Recent applicants have been encouraged to take at least the December GRE tests. For application materials, contact the UNT Office of Postgraduate Fellowships.

Debra McIlvain (1999) was an NSF Fellow.

Hughes Predoctoral Fellowships in Biological Sciences

The goal of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's program of Predoctoral Fellowships in Biological Sciences is to promote excellence in biomedical research by helping prospective researchers with exceptional promise obtain high quality graduate education. Fellows must pursue full-time study toward a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree in selected biological sciences: in biochemistry, biophysics, biostatistics, cell biology and regulation, developmental biology, epidemiology, genetics, immunology, mathematical biology, microbiology, molecular biology neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, structural biology, or virology. The initial fellowship award is for three years, and extension up to an additional two years may be requested from the Institute. U.S. citizens or nationals may choose as their fellowship institution any U.S. or foreign institution of higher education offering advanced degrees in biomedical sciences. (As such, this scholarship is compatible with the proposal which students might simultaneously submit for a Rhodes or British Marshall Scholarship.)

Requirements: Predoctoral Fellowships in Biological Sciences are intended for students at or near the beginning of their graduate study toward a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree in the designated fields. Those eligible at the time of application may be college seniors, college graduates with no or limited postbaccalaureate graduate study in biological sciences, or first-year graduate students. Applicants must not have completed, by the beginning of the fall term, one year or more of postbaccalaureate graduate study in the biological sciences, whether or not that study was toward a master's or doctoral degree or was outside of a degree program. If graduate study in the biological sciences has been part-time, the applicant must not have completed more than seven courses in a semester system or eight courses in a quarter system. Medical students who have received financial support through a funded M.D./Ph.D. program are not eligible for the fellowships. The Hughes Predoctoral Fellowship program is open to applicants who are citizens or nationals of the United States or who are foreign citizens or nationals. ORE's: Applicants must have scores from the GRE General Test (Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical). In addition, it is strongly recommended that all applicants have scores from a GRE Subject Test in the field most closely related to their chosen area of graduate study. Contact the Educational Testing Service, P.O. Box, 6000, Princeton, N.J. 08541-6000. The Institute will pay GRE registration fees for applicants who register for the examination to be given in December, provided that ( 1 ) application for the Hughes Predoctoral Fellowship is the primary purpose and (2) the GRE Registration Form for the test has met the ETS deadline. TOEFL: Applicants whose native language is not English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language.

Amount of grant: Recent stipends have averaged $14,500. In addition, the Institute will provide to fellowship institutions, on behalf of each fellow, a $14,000 cost-of-education allowance. Of this allowance, up to $12,000 is provided in lieu of tuition and assessed fees.

Dates: The deadlines for filing Fellowship Application--Form 1 and Application Part 2 have lately been in early November and December, respectively.

Contact Hughes Predoctoral Fellowships, The Fellowship Office, National Research Council, 21201 Constitution Ave., Washington, D.C. 20418.

Ford Foundation Predoctoral and Dissertation Fellowships for Minorities

The Predoctoral and Dissertation Fellowships for Minorities of the Ford Foundation identifies individuals of demonstrated ability and provides them with opportunities to engage in advanced study leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) degree and to inspire others to follow an academic career in teaching. Approximately 50 Predoctoral Fellowships and 20 Dissertation Fellowships are awarded. The awards will be made to those individuals who, in the judgment of the review panels, have demonstrated superior scholarship and show greatest promise for future achievement as scholars, researchers, and teachers in institutions of higher education

Requirements: Competition is restricted to (a) citizens or nationals of the United States at the time of application, (b) Alaskan Natives, Black/African Americans, (c) Mexican Americans/Chicanos, (d) Native American Indians (e) Native Pacific Islanders, (f) Puerto Ricans. Applicants must be enrolled in, or planning to enroll in a research-based Ph.D. of Sc.D. program in the Behavior Sciences, or Humanities (including Art History), or Life Sciences, or Chemistry, or Earth Sciences, or Physics and Astronomy, or Engineering, or Mathematics, or Computer Science. Applicants must aspire to a teaching and research career and have not earned a doctoral degree at any time, in any field. Students must either be near the beginning of their graduate study, have no more than 30 semester hours, and take the GRE Test (December 9 is the customary cut-off date for taking the exam or must be, or about to be, admitted to doctoral degree candidacy (that is, who have gained approval of the dissertation proposal/topic and who have completed all course work, examinations, language requirements, save the writing and defense of the dissertation.) Awards will not be made for work leading to degrees in practice-oriented programs (education, business administration, nursing, library science, speech pathology, fine arts, etc.)

Amount of Grant: Each Predoctoral Fellowship will provide support for a maximum of three years. Each fellowship will include an annual stipend of $12,000 to the Fellow for each of the three years of fellowship tenure, and an institutional grant of $6,000 to the fellowship institution to be accepted in lieu of tuition and fees. The Ford Foundation will grant a $ 1,000 incentive award to the undergraduate department sponsoring a successful applicant. That money is to be used by the department to encourage minority students to consider graduate study and academic careers. Each Dissertation Fellow will receive a stipend of $18,000. Dissertation Fellowships do not include institutional grants.

Deadlines: The Fellowship Application-Part 1 must be mailed to the Fellowship Office, NRC, in an envelope postmarked no later than November 3. November 3 is also the receipt date for regular registration for GRE December test administration. January 31: receipt date for Reference Reports from referees in a department that an applicant has newly entered as of fall of the year of application. February 14: receipt deadline for Verification of Doctoral Degree Status. Address requests for materials to The Fellowship Office/FF, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20418. (Tel. 202-334-2872).

Shaneka Morris received a Ford Predoctoral Fellowship in 2001.

American Association of University Women Educational Foundation Fellowships and Grants

AAUW sponsors graduate fellowships assistance for women who are U.S. citizens and for women who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States.

Dissertation fellowships are for women who will complete the writing of their dissertations between July I and June 30 of the year for which the application is put forward. Applicants are expected to receive a doctoral degree at the end of the fellowship year. Applicants must have completed all course work, passed all preliminary exams, and have their dissertation research proposal (or plan) approved by November 15 of the year during which the application is put forward. Students holding a fellowship for the year before the AAUW Educational Foundation fellowship year are not eligible. This category is open to applicants in all fields of study except engineering.

Stipend: $14,500. Applications available August 16-November 1. Application postmark deadline: November 15.

Selected Professions Fellowships are awarded in designated fields where female participation has traditionally been low. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Special consideration is given to applicants who show professional promise in innovative or neglected areas of research and/or practice in public interest concerns.

The focus professions group fellowships are awarded to women from ethnic minorities historically underrepresented in business administration (M.B.A., 2-year programs only), law (J.D.), and medicine (M.D.) (D.O.). Eligible minority candidates are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, other Latinas, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders. Applicants must be entering their final year of study in September of the year of the fellowship.

Science and technology fellowships are awarded to women in their final year of a master's degree (including one-year programs) in architecture, computer/information science, engineering, and mathematics/statistics. Fellowship stipend range from $5,000-$9,500. Applications available: August 1-December I (except M.B.A.); August 1,-Jan. 13 (M.B.A. only). Application postmark deadline: December 15 (except M.B.A.), February 1 (M.B.A. only). Fellowship year: September 1,-June 30.

International Fellowships: International Fellowships for full-time graduate or postgraduate study or research in the United States and other countries are awarded to women who are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Applicants must hold the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree before the December 1 deadline for application, and show outstanding academic ability.

Applicants are judged on their professional potential and on the importance of their studies to their country of origin. Preference will be given to women who show prior commitment to the advancement of women and girls through civic, community, or professional work. Upon completion of their studies, International Fellows must return to their home countries to pursue professional careers. Preference will go to applicants with definite positions awaiting them. Previous and current recipients of AAUW Educational Foundation Fellowships are not eligible.

Fellowship stipend: $15,065; Applications available Aug 1-Nov. 15; Postmark deadline, December 1; Fellowship year, July l-June 30.

Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowships for Research Related to Education

The Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship encourages a new generation of scholars from a variety of fields to undertake research relevant to the improvement of education.

Requirements: Applicants must be candidates for the doctoral degree in any field of study at a graduate school in the U.S., although they need not be U.S. citizens. Dissertation topics must concern education and all pre-dissertation requirements must be completed by June 1.

Amount of Grants: Approximately 30 non-renewable fellowships of $15,000 will be awarded to support completion of the dissertation. This amount must be expended within a time limit of two years and in accordance with the work plan provided by the candidate in the application.

Deadlines: Requests for required application forms must be received by October 14. Completed applications must be postmarked by November 2. Awards will be announced in April.

For Information, write to:

Spencer Dissertation Fellowships
The Spencer Foundation
900 North Michigan Ave., Suite 2800
Chicago, IL 60611-1542
(312) 337-7000

Angela Eke received a Spencer Foundation Pre-Dissertation Fellow in 1996.

National Scholarship Winners and Finalists I
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists II
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists III
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists IV
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists V
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists VI
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists VII
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists VIII
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists IX
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists X
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists XI
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists XII
National Scholarship Winners and Finalists XIII

Distinctive Undergraduate Fellowships

OPGF - UNT - November 26, 2005