Good Neighbor Scholarship

How to apply

Applications are made available annually in early December following notification from THECB about the upcoming year’s award eligibility criteria. 

Completed applications submitted by eligible applicants are reviewed, and a list is forwarded to THECB to determine the recipients.  Recipient notification is received by SFAS in mid-May annually, with award information forwarded to the student and posted on their student account at that time.

Priority Dates

Annual UNT application deadline is 5 p.m. on February 15.


This scholarship provides tuition assistance to students from other nations of the Western Hemisphere (other than Cuba). At UNT, the Good Neighbor Exemption is administered by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships (SFAS), as directed by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).


This scholarship exempts the student from the payment of tuition only for one year (fall, spring, and summer). Selected recipients are responsible for paying fees.


  • Applicants must be a native born citizen of an eligible country of the Western (American) hemisphere other than the United States or Cuba, be residents of that eligible country, have that eligible country as a home residence and intend to return to that eligible country to live immediately upon completion of their degree.
  • Applicants must have resided in an eligible country in the Western (American) hemisphere for a period of at least five years.
  • Applicants must have a statement on file that indicates he/she is registered with the Selective ServiceThe Selective Service Administration executes registration for the military draft. Male students who are US citizens and have reached the age of 18 and were born after December 31, 1959 must be registered with Selective Service to be eligible for federal financial aid. System as required by federal law or is exempt from Selective Service registration under federal law.
  • Applicants must be admitted to a UNT degree program, eligible to enroll at UNT, and must maintain satisfactory academic progressA student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress to continue to receive financial aid. Students must maintain a certain qualitative standard (i.e. cumulative GPA) in addition to maintaining a quantitative standard (i.e. successfully completing a required number of credit hours). Students must also complete their degree or certificate program within a maximum timeframe, which may vary according to the student’s status and program. If a student does not maintain the required standards, the student may lose their financial aid eligibility. toward a degree according to UNT's published satisfactory progress rules.

Eligible Institutions

This scholarshipA scholarship is a form of financial aid given to students to help pay for their education. Most scholarships are restricted to paying all or part of tuition expenses, though some scholarships also cover room and board. Scholarships are a form of gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Many scholarships are restricted to students in specific courses of study or with academic, athletic, or artistic talent. is a twelve-month award, and is limited only to Texas public colleges and universities.