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Research Opportunities

Behavior Analysis Online (BAO) Research Group. The mission of this lab is to provide applied experience in the behavior analytic design of distance and blended instruction. Projects include assisting in the design of specific instructional programs (learner preparedness, problem solving, collaboration, consultation, and ethics) as well as areas of individual student interests related to on line instruction. There are two hourly teaching assistant positions and two part time teaching/research assistantships available every year. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Shahla Alai-Rosales.

Behavior Analysis Resource Center. A research and treatment team systematically assesses and develops treatment for behavior disorders exhibited by persons with developmental disabilities. This project has offices on the campus of the Denton State Supported Living Center and provides services to residents of the living center.  The project also provides training in behavior-analytic approaches to intervention for personnel at the center and employees of the Department of Aging and Developmental Services. Paid positions available for students who have demonstrated commitment. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Richard Smith.

Beatrice Barrett Neuro-Operant Lab. This project conducts behavioral neuroscience research using fMRI, EEG, and other technologies to analyze relations among physiological and behavioral events as learning occurs. Faculty Supervisors: Dr. Michael Schlund (DBA Research Scientist) and Dr. Daniele Ortu (Research Assistant Professor).

Behavior Research Laboratory. Studies on the relationship between environmental events, physiological events, and verbal behavior. Use biofeedback equipment to monitor physiological responses. If research credit is desired (BEHV 5900) arrange course objectives with supervisor. Also for students interested in learning to run experiments designed to study basic behavioral processes. Meet at least once a week with faculty and/or graduate students and run experiments at times arranged between you and individual subjects. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Jesus Rosales-Ruiz.

Child Study Center. Conducts research on instructional strategies and skill acquisition with children with autism. Our research occurs in the context of service delivery at the Child Study Center in Fort Worth. Research topics have included language acquisition, social skills, establishment of conditioned reinforcers, self-help skills, and treatment of vocal stereotypy. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Einar Ingvarsson.

Direct Assessment, Teaching, & Analysis (DATA). The research conducted in this lab examines the effects of behavioral interventions on the acquisition, fluency, and generalization of academic or communication skills with individuals with and without disabilities. An emphasis is placed on conceptually systematic interventions that enhance some aspect of verbal behavior. Through participation in DATA lab, students are given the opportunity to develop and conduct research in behavior analysis. In addition to weekly small group lab meetings, students typically meet individually with the faculty supervisor to expedite project completion. Completed research projects should lead to manuscripts that will be submitted for publication and presented at conferences. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Traci Cihon.

Easter Seals North Texas Autism Treatment Program (ESATP) Research Group. The mission of this lab is to provide service-learning experiences for students in the Department of Behavior Analysis, to offer the community evidence-based resources and expertise, and to produce pragmatic and humane research. Current research opportunities include, but are not limited to: systemic supports (measurement, training, and evaluation,); parent training and support; social and activity behavior; and cultural compassion, understanding, and responsiveness in behavior analytic interventions. All research takes place in the ESATP clinical sites in the DFW metroplex  (Carrolton, Ft Worth, and Oakcliff). There are four part time assistantships available every year.  The positions provide experience and training in program development and systems wide interventions. Faculty Supervisors: Drs. Shahla Ala’i-Rosales and Jesus Rosales-Ruiz. The lab meets Fridays from 10-12.

Global Studies and Second Language Acquisition. Participating students are interested in cultural differences and similarities, interdisciplinary approaches to student learning and behavior (including communication), international studies, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. We have two distinct lines of research: second language acquisition and the effects of interdisciplinary learning communities with (and without) short-term study abroad opportunities on undergraduate learning and behavior. Students interested in learning Italian also often participate in this lab. Some aspects of this lab require that students undergo a stringent application and interview process particularly those pertaining to students interested in studying abroad. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Traci Cihon.

Human Operant Lab. The research in this laboratory attempts to understand the processes that underlie complex human behavior such as abstraction, concept formation and remembering. Populations studied include typically developing and developmentally delayed persons of all ages.  Some areas of focus include stimulus equivalence, short-term remembering, and attending. The laboratory comprises graduate and undergraduate students and runs all year. Students meet weekly to present data and discuss experimental strategies and tactics. Students are encouraged/required to present their work in departmental colloquia as well as at regional and national conferences. Exceptional students will have an opportunity to have some of their work funded and write up their research for publication. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Manish Vaidya.

Little Learner Lab. Provides practical training and research experience related to clinical practice for children with and without disabilities. Young children with autism receive clinical services related to skill acquisition and the reduction of maladaptive behaviors at the Kristin Farmer Autism Center. Applied research related to early intervention is conducted at KFAC. A secondary line of research involves sign language acquisition with typically developing infants and toddlers at the First United Methodist Church. Faculty supervisor: Dr. Karen Toussaint.

Organization for Reinforcement Contingencies with Animals (ORCA). ORCA is a group based out of the behavior analysis department for graduate and undergraduate students interested in gaining experience in animal training. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Jesus Rosales

Repertoire Enhancement and Development with Youth (READY). The purpose of this project is to increase the contacts of youngsters, at-risk for social maladjustment, with communities that could potentially support and further develop their pro-social and personal behavior. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Jesus Rosales-Ruiz

Pigeon Lab. The research in this laboratory seeks to understand the limits of human – nonhuman similarities and differences by studying the development of complex performances in pigeons. Recent topics have included concept learning and short term remembering. The laboratory comprises graduate and undergraduate students and runs all year. Students meet weekly to present data and discuss experimental strategies and tactics. Students are encouraged/required to present their work in departmental colloquia as well as at regional and national conferences. Exceptional students will have an opportunity to have some of their work funded and write up their research for publication. Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Manish Vaidya.

Teaching Sciences Lab. Members of the Teaching Sciences lab are interested in the development and delivery of effective instruction at the college level. Students who participate can obtain teaching and tutoring experience working with undergraduate students who are learning about basic principles of behavior analysis; participate in course redesign and evaluation; and lead or assist studies designed to improve our teaching efficiency and effectiveness, explore new or unfounded teaching strategies, and contribute to the existing scholarship of teaching and learning literature. Paid positions are sometimes available, contingent upon university budget and successful grant applications. Faculty Supervisor: Dr.Traci Cihon.