
Journalism in the Public Interest


Cora Currier

Cora Currier

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Cora Currier was previously on the editorial staff of the New Yorker. She has written for the New Yorker’s website, The European, Let’s Go guides, and other publications. During the 2008 presidential election, she covered the youth vote for The Nation. She has also worked as a researcher for several books on history and politics. Cora graduated from Harvard College with a degree in Social Studies.


6 Months After Obama Promised to Divulge More on Drones, Here’s What We Still Don’t Know

A guide to what’s changed – and what hasn’t – since the president laid out a plan for transparency and tighter guidelines on targeted killings.

Drone Makers Gather to Defend Their Much-Maligned Machines

At a recent conference on drones, manufacturers argue that drones don’t kill; the people ordering them around do.

In Big Win for Defense Industry, Obama Rolls Back Limits on Arms Exports

Critics, including some who’ve worked on enforcing arms export laws, say the changes could undermine efforts to prevent arms smuggling to Iran and others.

Obama Administration Helped Kill Transparency Push on Military Aid

Last year a bipartisan effort to force more transparency about military aid failed after objections from the Pentagon. Will the same thing happen this year?

Gitmo Soldiers Get 9/11 History Lessons

Twelve years after the 9/11 attacks, the FBI reminds soldiers at Guantanamo who they are guarding.

The Sweeping Presidential Power to Help Prisoners That Holder Didn’t Mention

President Obama has the power to shorten the sentence of federal prisoners. But he has only used it once.

Does the U.S. Pay Families When Drones Kill Innocent Yemenis?

We requested information on how the U.S. handles condolence payments for civilian drone strike deaths in Yemen. But the military won’t reveal a thing.

White House Closes Inquiry Into Afghan Massacre – and Will Release No Details

Twelve years after possibly thousands of prisoners of war were allegedly killed by U.S.-allied fighters in Afghanistan, no investigation results are being made public.

Charting Obama’s Crackdown on National Security Leaks

A timeline of the Obama administration’s aggressive campaign against government leakers.

Who Are We at War With? That’s Classified

President Obama has repeatedly said the U.S. is targeting Al Qaeda and “associated forces.” But the government won’t say who those forces are.

Boy’s Death in Drone Strike Tests Obama’s Transparency Pledge

Strike in Yemen allegedly killed a 10-year-old boy. Despite months of promises of new transparency around drone strikes, the administration won’t comment.

Blacked Out: Reading Between the Lines as Gitmo Lawyers Talk Torture

A secret motion in the military commission trial of Abd al Rahim al Nashiri, alleged mastermind of the U.S.S. Cole bombing, offers a glimpse of how talk about CIA torture is handled by the Gitmo court.

Now on Trial at Guantanamo Bay: Spiral Notebooks

The Guantanamo Bay trials of alleged terrorists, restarted by President Obama in 2011, have been marked by secrecy, snafus, and endless delays. ProPublica’s Cora Currier at Gitmo this week for one such case.

Gitmo Diary: Visiting the U.S.’s Most Infamous Courtroom

Cora Currier is down at the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay, where Abd al Rahim al Nashiri is facing capital charges for the 2000 bombing of the U.S.S. Cole. Nearly 13 years later, these are still pre-trial motions.

Mass Surveillance in America: A Timeline of Loosening Laws and Practices

The evolution of the National Security Agency’s dragnet under Presidents Bush and Obama.

Four Years Ago Obama Promised to Investigate Afghan Massacre. Has Anything Happened Since?

In 2009, Obama pledged to reopen an inquiry into the deaths as many as 2,000 Taliban POWs during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. Four years later, there’s no sign of progress.

Hunger Strikes and Indefinite Detention: A Rundown on What’s Going on at Gitmo

More than 50 detainees are on hunger strike, underlining the uncertainty that surrounds the future of military detention at Gitmo. We break down what’s known about the prison.

Gitmo Defense Lawyers Say Somebody Has Been Accessing Their Emails

Defense attorneys for men accused of terrorism before military commissions at Guantanamo Bay say their email communications have been searched and files have gone missing from servers.

Hearts, Minds and Dollars: Condolence Payments in the Drone Strike Age

One measure of accountability for the U.S. covert drone wars is acknowledging civilian casualties and compensating families for their losses. Recent history in Iraq and Afghanistan shows that isn’t always simple.

A Public Indictment Could Shed Light on CIA’s Secret Program

Human rights researchers years ago identified a man who may have been held secretly by the CIA, and whose whereabouts were unknown. It appears than man is now in custody in New York.
Cora Currier

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