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A Pulitzer-winning, non-profit newsroom focused on investigative journalism in the public interest. We are independent a...nd funded largely through donations. For more information, please see: See more
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Kevy Cat
· April 7, 2017
We need organizations like ProPublica to keep the already-wealthy and the corporations and the government, both Federal and state, honest and legal and working for the people, for the nation and for the common good. As newspapers go down, we need them all the more.
Adelie Klein
· April 8, 2017
Sean Spicer is trying to do what so many others have done in order to discredit strong, fair media outlets -- claim they have a liberal bias, and then use that ...claim to dismiss anything those media groups have to say. Luckily, most of us know better. ProPublica's reporting is extensively researched, thoughtful, and evidence-based. You will not find empty rhetoric here.

For those of you who do not trust the media, I acknowledge that some ProPublica articles may make you angry. You might feel they're not consistent with your perspective. Ask yourself why you are having that reaction. Try to consider that there may be information you don't know about, or haven't taken into account. What would it cost you to think about that possibility? What would it cost you to look deeper into your reactions to this information? Why is it so important to shut out information that seems different from what you believe? Is your identity going to crumble just because you considered another point of view? I'll answer that -- it won't, because you're stronger than that. We're all stronger than that.

If you feel you can only trust information that comes from people who think like you, you're missing out on most of the world. You're letting other people restrict your views and dictate what you should or should not think. You're letting others sow mistrust and suspicion, and that gives them power over you and many other people. It doesn't have to be that way, and you're the only one with the power to change that for yourself.

Read outside of your comfort zone. There are media outlets you can trust that span the political spectrum. They may have different interpretations of what their information means, but looking at a variety of sources will help you to weed out what is real and what is only designed to reinforce your current beliefs. If your only motivation is to feel you're right and most other people are wrong, then you're just feeding your ego and your effort is wasted. I don't like it any more than you do when information conflicts with my beliefs, but I've learned to look deeper into these issues than I would have years ago.

Ask yourself, have your beliefs about the world changed at all since you were a child, or a teenager, or a young adult? For most of us, the answer is yes. It's normal to consider other perspectives. It's normal to change your mind when you gather additional information. It's normal to be wrong about some things and right about others. That's life, and part of being human is understanding that none of us is perfect, we all have biases and ideas that are wrong, and we have the freedom to admit that. If we limited our information to what we already believe, none of us would be here. Human achievement relies on our collective effort to understand the world, and I for one am not going back to rubbing sticks together and living in a cave.
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John Moser
· April 19, 2017
ProPublica has no journalistic integrity. Their ARC and Amazon articles are both collections of bullet-point facts expanded with incorrect analysis to tell a s...tory that doesn't line up with reality.

In the case of the American Red Cross, ProPublica takes the Red Cross's "Lessons Learned Documentation"—which is the organization's internal documentation of what worked, what didn't, and how to prevent problems in the future—and repeatedly frames it as "hiding and ignoring problems" (the exact opposite of what that documentation is for). Their piece on Haiti claims ARC spent $500 million and built 6 houses, and that any costs associated with businesses performing work in Haiti are "unreported overhead" (ARC keeps 9%, ProPublica says contractors have profit so ARC is lying and it's really 40%); they fail to mention that the project to build houses (and schools) were non-viable money sinks, and ARC redirected that money to sanitization (saving thousands of Haitian lives from death by cholera), infrastructure, and government training on disaster prevention and response.

In the recent Amazon article, ProPublica examines Amazon's listing software. Amazon shows the lowest cost-plus-shipping price seller for any item by default, with Amazon's own lowest shipping price being $0.00 Super Saver Shipping (or Prime 2-day free shipping). As well, even if the default seller is *not* Amazon, the list of all sellers shows Amazon first so you can fill your cart to get deep-discount "Add-on items" and free "Super Saver Shipping" (minimum $25 purchase). ProPublica mischaracterizes this by arbitrarily tacking on high shipping costs for Amazon offers, as well as by simply implying Amazon always puts its offer first instead of admitting that the Amazon offer with Super Saver Shipping is typically the lowest-price offer—which is why it's the one that shows up by default.

Lies, damned lies, twisted logic, and harmful attacks on high-performance charities. ProPublica essentially libels and slanders organizations people trust—including disaster response charities, meaning ProPublica's deceptive, amoral, unethical journalism will and likely has gotten people killed. ProPublica's journalists and executives should all be imprisoned for fraud.
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Beth Jordan
· April 11, 2017
imho, research + investigative journalism at its best, seeking the truth and not playing the "every point of view is equally valid" false equivalence game. eve...n before winning a Pulitzer Prize this week, ProPublica's Facebook page has been targeted by trolls from the extreme right and left, but have stayed focused on evidenced based investigative journalism. See More
Linda Pilgrim
· April 8, 2017
They do what many other news orgs should be doing, but are not. They prove their 'realness' every day by backing up every news story with 'true facts' with data -- all that no BS good stuff.
Catherine Todd
· May 1, 2017
ProPublica does such good and important work, now more than ever. I donated and hope everyone else does too. Every little bit helps! The world needs more people and organizations like ProPUBLICA!
Dolores R. Marconi
· April 18, 2017
Hard-hitting, well thought out with detail! It is obvious that police, courts, and politicians benefit and work in collusion. If the local residents and business people do not vote according to their best interests they will suffer.
Deborah Jones-Kennedy
· April 8, 2017
A barrier built of truth and integrity, holding back the black tidal wave of deception, manipulation and exploitation now drowning the US.
Erin Maher Ross
· April 8, 2017
ProPublica is a reliable source of ground-breaking "real news." ProPublica embodies journalism created for the public's best interest.
Cindy Cox Garrard
· April 9, 2017
I am grateful that you put your reputations and convictions in the service of freedom. Thank you.
Kris Wile
· April 18, 2017
The truth is a noble pursuit, and essential to saving our democracy. ProPublica is on my monthly donation list.
John Zachary Kitover
· April 7, 2017
Charity Scams abound, particularly in Veteran Charities & Cancer Charities. We should be ever vigilant in documenting Charity Fraud & Waste. I whole heartedly endorse ProPublica to help Americans and International donors detect and avoid fraudulent Charities. - John Z Kitover @my30sblog
Shawn Rushefsky
· April 29, 2017
A consistent source of well-researched and thought provoking articles. Proving that quality journalism isn't dead, it's just not on cable.
Chuck Kaufman
· April 10, 2017
Maybe if enough of us keep telling the truth we will prevail against Trump and his "alternate fact" universe.
Shaka Plulu Pluchia
· April 8, 2017
Truth and nothing but the truth. They attack corruption on both sides of the political aisle....
Patricia Marie Diienno
· April 8, 2017
ProPublica is an excellent source of information, it is evident by recent attacks against them. They've made some good enemies.
Abica Paul
· April 11, 2017
Keep it up! I don't know who to trust anymore and a appreciate your investigative reporting, on the facts.
Ray Patrick Colgan
· April 7, 2017
well written, well investigated, fact-based investigative reporting by award winning seasoned journalist
Nancy Lynch
· April 14, 2017
I think the people need this type of media information, because the people need to know the truth
Maureen Nevin
· April 25, 2017
Quality journalism, in depth reporting. So glad they're tackling housing in NYC. No open market there, my friends.

Stories from that time, which outline some but not all of the allegations against Munoz, are easy to find via a simple Google search.

As an upperclassman at The Citadel military college several years ago, Steven Munoz allegedly assaulted five freshmen. His hiring at the State Department raises further questions about the Trump administration’s vetting process.

The new law allowed seven forms of government-issued photo ID only — types critics say were chosen because white residents were most likely to possess them:

Efforts to implement the nation’s strictest voter ID requirements — a solution in search of a problem, according to one critic — foundered amid court defeats, confusion and at least one giant oversight.
These chicken plants are some of the most dangerous workplaces...
Transparency Battleship: Where are the rest of the White House...
President Trump on removing himself from his businesses

Conflicts of interest in medicine have been ubiquitous for many years, but there is a renewed focus on how these relationships affect prescribing:

A new study shows that doctors prescribed fewer marketed brand-name drugs when teaching hospitals restricted access to pharmaceutical sales representatives.
ProPublica shared their video.

What happened at Case Farms says a lot about what’s wrong with the U.S. immigration system:


Osiel López Pérez, then 17, worked at a Case Farms poultry plant for 8 months. He earned $9 an hour. He lost his left leg in a machine.

ProPublica announced today that Isaac Arnsdorf will join its staff as a reporter covering the Trump administration.

ProPublica is an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest.

While the climate basics have long been clear, many of the most consequential aspects of climate change remain shrouded in uncertainty:

A New York Times column on the climate set off yet another dangerous tempest of exaggeration and simplification.

New York Daily News opinion piece on our investigation of NY's "preferential rent" loophole.

Full investigation into the loophole which allows big rent hikes for rent-stabilized tenants:

Despite New York’s desperate need for affordable housing — hands down the biggest issue for voters...

When teaching hospitals put pharmaceutical sales representatives on a shorter leash, their doctors tended to order fewer promoted brand-name drugs:

A new study shows that doctors prescribed fewer marketed brand-name drugs when teaching hospitals restricted access to pharmaceutical sales representatives.

The implementation of Texas's voter ID law was a failure, starting with the law, worsened by court delay, and sealed by bad education.

Efforts to implement the nation’s strictest voter ID requirements — a solution in search of a problem, according to one critic — foundered amid court defeats, confusion and at least one giant oversight.

This May Day, follow Michael Grabell as he revisits the trail of a generation of Mayans turned U.S. poultry workers:

One of the most dangerous companies in the U.S. took advantage of immigrant workers. Then, when they got hurt or fought back, it used America’s laws against them.

Since 1980, the Hispanic population has increased dramatically in areas with high poultry production:

ProPublica shared their video.

Osiel López Pérez, then 17, worked at a Case Farms poultry plant for 8 months. He earned $9 an hour. He lost his left leg in a machine.

⚡️ We asked for your help coming up with the missing names from our White House staffers' disclosures list – and we just got one back based on a smart submission.

Here's John Mashburn, a deputy cabinet secretary. Mashburn is a longtime Hill aide and prominent social conservative:…/0BzpLrfAn0dfvOUZ5NXJVNlN3U…/view…

So... we were right. We’d missed some names. Please keep the tips coming!

ProPublica was live.

A few weeks ago, you helped ProPublica, the New York Times and the Associated Press comb through some of the Trump administration’s staffers’ financial forms. The thing is: we’re still waiting for least 60 of the promised forms. That’s an “at least” because, thanks to the opacity of this process, we don’t even know if we’ve asked for the full list. We don’t know who’s eligible for discolosure. It’s a game of Transparency Battleship. Our next task – and our next ask for you – we need to identify the people MISSING from our list.

We’re asking for your help here:

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