Design meeting notes for September 19, 2018

The full transcript of our meeting this week, based on the previously posted agenda, can be found on our Slack channel.

Triage inbox

  • Meetup Organizer badge – We began by jumping into our triage inbox, and discussed the proposal for a Meetup Organizer badge presented by the Community team.
  • AMP Stories in WordPress – The team organizing for WordCamp New York has been experimenting with a new story format for the meeting schedule using work created by Pratik Ghela. Feedback was requested, and it opened up a conversation about the software used. @postphotos followed up by sharing the work that is happening on the AMP for WordPress plugin to bring AMP Stories to WordPress as an open source solution (it’s still a work in progress).

Calls for design followup

WordCamp discussion

The conversation continued with a brief discussion on recent experiences in WordCamps. You can catch up here.


Design meeting agenda for September 19, 2018

The weekly design meeting is Wednesdays at 17.00 UTC. If you have anything else to add, please comment below or mention it on our Slack channel.

Triage Inbox

See Inbox column on Trello board

Calls for design: follow-ups

See Calls for Design column on Trello board. Anything to be archived? Follow up on in-progress cards, etc. 

If time allows, follow-up on older cards

Filter Trello board for ‘needs discussion’ label. If none, triage any Trello cards that are not yet owned.



Design meeting notes for September 12, 2018

The full transcription of this weeks meeting can be found in our Slack channel.

We started off with another bit of information sharing amongst the group — this time focused on the tools we use to design and communicate.

Tool discussion

  • What are tools you like to use in designing?
  • What are tools you wish could get better?
  • How do you like to share the work you’ve done?

This is a summary of the tools that were mentioned in the meeting:

for rough sketching

  • paper and pen
  • Sketching on the iPad with Linea Sketch or Paper 53.
  • annotating or altering screenshots using browser inspect to make changes

for higher fidelity designing

  • Sketch
  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign for annotating mockups/wires for clients
  • WordPress + page builder + css
  • Balsamiq

for prototyping

  • InVision or InVision Studio
  • Balsamiq for mid level prototyping
  • MarvelApp
  • Axure

for planning, content and IA

  • Excel for content audits
  • MindDoodle for mindmapping
  • HotJar for heat maps to guide UX design

for collaboration and communication of designs

  • screenshots and screen recordings with Droplr
  • Zeplin for developer handoffs
  • annotated screenshots or PDFs
  • Marvel and InVision allow people to place comments on the design
  • DropBox Paper for comments and sharing
  • ProjectHuddle
  • Abstract is kinda like github for designers
  • Sketch Cloud and Figma allow commenting

Triage Inbox

No new cards this week

Calls for design: follow-ups

juliekuehl brought up Design for

  • The Training Team has been making progress on getting lesson plans ready and it would be great to start preparing to publish them.
  • Andi is working on wires for lesson plan layouts and re-organizing the homepage examples
  • best way to communicate and comment? Maybe Google Drive might work and Google Draw to comment?

boemedia pointed to WordPress logo usage style guide for WordCamps

  • it would be great if everyone could share an example of a WordCamp logo we believe does a good job of showing off how a WordCamp logo could be done.
  • You can see all the upcoming ones here:

If time allows, follow-up on older cards

Let’s look at a couple Trac tickets

1. Activating a new theme on multisite is very long-winded Needs updated screenshot/flow

2. Option to view condensed diffs for post revisions


Design meeting agenda for September 12, 2018

The weekly design meeting is Wednesdays at 17.00 UTC (see it in your time). We’ll be discussing the topics below. If you have anything else to add, please comment below or mention it on our Slack channel.

Tool discussion

  • What are tools you like to use in designing?
  • What are tools you wish could get better?
  • How do you like to share the work you’ve done?

Triage Inbox

See Inbox column on Trello board

  • no new cards this week

Calls for design: follow-ups

See Calls for Design column on Trello board. Anything to be archived? Follow up on in-progress cards, etc. If time allows, see #needs-design tickets from Trac.

If time allows, follow-up on older cards

Filter Trello board for ‘needs discussion’ label. If none, triage any Trello cards that are not yet owned.


Design meeting notes for September 5, 2018

The full transcription of this weeks meeting can be found in our Slack channel.

Introduction round

We start off with a brief introduction round: who is who? It’s been a while and this way new and old contributors get to know each other and each other’s background.

Contributing at WordCamps

What has been the experience of leading and attending the design table at contributor days at local WordCamps recently?

@karmatosed kicks of by posting a few talking points:

  • Is splitting design from other teams useful?
  • What should we change ‘now’ based on experience?

The team shares some recent experiences and @karmatosed suggest creating guidance for leading contributor day, but at the same time keeping different cultures, knowledge and skillsets of designers present in mind. A lot of suggestions come up and we conclude with @karmatosed making a Trello action item with some ideas in it that we can work from.

Triage Inbox

See Inbox column on Trello board.

Finally, @joyously asks if we can maybe change the order of the agenda, so we can spend more time following up on older design requests.

Thanks again to everyone who actively participated in this week’s meeting. Feel free to add your thoughts to the comments of this post.


Design meeting agenda for September 5, 2018

The weekly design meeting is Wednesdays at 17.00 UTC (see it in your time). We’ll be discussing the topics below. If you have anything else to add, please comment below or mention it on our Slack channel.

Introduction round

A brief introduction round: who is who? So new and old contributors get to know each other and each other’s background

Contributing at WordCamps

What has been the experience of leading and attending the design table at contributor days at local WordCamps recently?

Triage Inbox

See Inbox column on Trello board

  • no new cards this week

Calls for design: follow-ups

See Calls for Design column on Trello board. Anything to be archived? Follow up on in-progress cards, etc. If time allows, see #needs-design tickets from Trac.

If time allows, follow-up on older cards

Filter Trello board for ‘needs discussion’ label. If none, triage any Trello cards that are not yet owned.


Design Meeting agenda for August 29, 2018

The weekly design meeting is Wednesdays at 17.00 UTC. We’ll be discussing the topics below. If you have anything else to add, please comment below or mention it on our Slack channel.

Triage Inbox

See Inbox column on Trello board

  • no new cards this week

Calls for design: follow-ups

See Calls for Design column on Trello board. Anything to be archived? Follow up on in-progress cards, etc. If time allows, see #needs-design tickets from Trac.

If time allows, follow-up on older cards

Filter Trello board for ‘needs discussion’ label. If none, triage any Trello cards that are not yet owned.


Design Meeting Notes for August 22, 2018

Today’s meeting agenda was a bit light, so we opened did open hours to allow for folks to chat about anything specific items. You can also read the Slack chat log.

Open Floor:

Designing “Create a blog” pages on

@cathibosco asked for feedback on the latest page designs for “Create a Blog”, great job Cathi! We discussed the pages that have been created so far and had some ideas for improving readability and breaking up the long (but important) copy on the pages. If you’re interested in giving feedback feel free to jump in!

Trello cards

We discussed several of the Trello cards briefly, but didn’t have a major update.

Contributor Day

@EstelaRueda asked for some ideas as she is planning for Contributor Day at WC Nijmegen next week. We discussed some great analog ways to get folks prototyping and sketching as they contribute to current design needs in WordPress. You can checkout the Slack chat to jump to that section. Specifically speaking for this event it was recommended to focus on improving the handbook for design.

And that’s it for today. If you want to get involved feel free to jump into Slack and weigh in. We’d love to have you!


Design Meeting agenda for August 22, 2018

The weekly design meeting is Wednesdays at 17.00 UTC. We’ll be discussing the topics below. If you have anything else to add, please comment below or mention it on our Slack channel.

Triage Inbox

See Inbox column on Trello board

  • no new cards this week

Calls for design: follow-ups

See Calls for Design column on Trello board. Anything to be archived? Follow up on in-progress cards, etc. If time allows, see #needs-design tickets from Trac.

If time allows, follow-up on older cards

Filter Trello board for ‘needs discussion’ label. If none, triage any Trello cards that are not yet owned.


Design Meeting notes for August 8, 2018

In keeping with the loose structure, we spent the meeting focusing on a topic of the week and open floor.

Topic: the Design Team Handbook

Problem: a lot of information is there but not always where people expect it, or presented in a way that’s not easy to digest, or with labels people don’t understand.

@boemedia has begun work on a content audit of the 45 or so existing pages. This review will determine:

  • is it there? if not -> add content
  • is it in the right place? if not -> restructure
  • is it presented the right way? if not -> rewrite

@hugobaeta suggested that making the structure more visual might help us to audit and update too.

@karmatosed will get people to help at WordCamp Brighton too.

Others, please weigh in on this async after reviewing the Trello card.

Open Floor: Gutenberg

@kjellr is working on a pending update of the Gutenberg design handbook. Feedback welcome.

Note that this is geared towards people designing for Gutenberg — either contributing to the project, or designing a custom block.

@karmatosed: Gutenberg feedback is being processed. Now is a great time to jump in and leave design reviews.

There are several ways to test, and you don’t need a local install:

  1. Say Hello to the New Editor
  2. Frontenberg, a frontend instance of Gutenberg with some restrictions so that anybody can test it out!
  3. Testing Gutenberg: A playground to test out the latest Gutenberg releases directly on the front-end.
