
Certification & Core Plus Development Guides

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Career Fields
Type of Assignment  Representative Activities
Auditor  Supervises those performing contract audits; or acts as the subject matter expert in technical audit areas (technical specialist); or acts as the liaison between DCAA and buying commands.
Core Certification Standards (required for DAWIA certification)
 Acquisition Training None required
 Functional Training None required
 Education Same as Level II
 Experience 3 years of contract auditing experience and attainment of position beyond senior auditor

Unique Position Training Standards
Financial Liaison Auditor (see note 6 below)   ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management
Supervisory Auditor (see note 16 below)   AUD 8414 DDI Leadership Skills (R)
    AUD 8611  EEO for Supervisors
    AUD 8655  Human Resources for Supervisors
    AUD 8565 Supervision (R)
    AUD 8564  Administration and Management of Audits for Supervisors (R)
    AUD 4035 Quantitative Methods Refresher (R)
Technical Specialist (see note 6 below)   AUD 1541 Cost Accounting Standards (R)
    AUD 2311 Postaward Audit
    AUD 4035 Quantitative Methods Refresher (R)

Core Plus Development Guide (desired training, education, and experience) Type of Assignment
Training Auditor
  ACQ 101 Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management
  AUD 1570 CAS—Administration and Coverage
  AUD 1571 CAS 401, 402, and 405
  AUD 1572 CAS 403, 410, 418, and 420
  AUD 1573 CAS 404 and 409
  AUD 1574 CAS 414 and 417
  AUD 1575 CAS 406, Cost Accounting Period
  AUD 1576 CAS 408 and 415
  AUD 1577 CAS 407, Standard Costs for Direct Material and Labor
  AUD 1578 CAS 416, Accounting for Insurance Costs
  AUD 1579 CAS 411, Acct. for Acquisition Cost of Material
  AUD 1580 CASB Disclosure Statements
  AUD 2311 Postaward Audit
  AUD 8414 DDI Leadership Skills (R)
  AUD 8564 Administration and Management of Audits for Supervisors (R)
 None specified
 None specified
1 The Core Certification Standards section lists the training and/or education and experience REQUIRED for certification at this level for this career field within 24 months of assignment.
2 “(R)” following a course title indicates the course is delivered as resident-based instruction.
4 For information on AUD courses, contact the Defense Contract Audit Institute at (901) 325-6100.
5 When preparing your IDP, you and your supervisor should consider the training, education, and experience listed in the Core Plus Development Guide at this and the lower level(s) if not already completed.
6 Workforce members assigned to the positions(s) listed in the Unique Position Training Standards section MUST meet these training standard(s) within 6 months of assignment.
16 For Supervisory auditors, AUD 8414 is required within six months. All other courses must be completed within one year except AUD 4035, which is completed in years 2-5.