
ACQ 380

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ACQ 380 International Acquisition Management
(Last Modified:02-Feb-2017)



The course teaches students to conceptualize, assess, plan, and execute the full spectrum of International Acquisition and Exportability (IA&E) activities to improve acquisition outcomes and contribute to DoD and U.S. Government security cooperation objectives. The course covers: program IA&E assessments; international considerations in developing a program’s acquisition strategy; international business planning; defense exportability integration; technology security and foreign disclosure considerations; foreign military sales acquisition best practices; international cooperative programs; working with industry; IA&E best practices and is designed to strengthen the student’s critical thinking and analytical skills through the use of practical exercises and case studies based on real world IA&E scenarios.
Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
Acquisition workforce members occupying Level 3 acquisition positions tagged as International.
ACQ 230, International Acquisition Integration
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
None None None None
Course Length
4.5 classroom days
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Resident
Equivalent Courses None
ACE Recommended Credits None
DAU Public (material/prework) N/A
Continuing Education Units   0
Continuous Learning Points  40
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • Pre-work required / Walk-ins NOT authorized
  • This course includes approximately 6 hours of course pre-work requirements.
  • This course requires students to identify an IA&E improvement project for their organization or program based on challenges encountered in their workplace before arriving at the classroom. Student proposals will be discussed and refined during the course to help shape each student’s post-course project efforts.