
BCF 206

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BCF 206 Cost Risk Analysis
(Last Modified:12-Jan-2017)



Cost analysts taking this course are given an overview of how to model the cost/risk associated with a defense acquisition program. Topics covered include basic cost risk concepts, subjective probability assessment, goodness-of-fit testing, basic simulation concepts, and spreadsheet-based simulation. Practical exercises and a small-group Monte Carlo simulation based cost risk case reinforce the techniques taught.
Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
Cost analysis career field personnel; acquisition members involved in the preparation, analysis, review, or approval of cost risk analyses for all levels of acquisitions and those wanting an understanding of how cost risk analyses are prepared and used.
  • BCF 106, Fundamentals of Cost Analysis
  • BCF 131, Applied Cost Analysis
  • CLB 024, Cost Risk Analysis Introduction
  • Two years of cost estimating experience.

  • BCF 204, Intermediate Cost Analysis
  • BCF 220, Acquisition Business Management Concepts
  • BCF 225, Acquisition Business Management Application
  • A good working knowledge of Microsoft Excel
  • Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
    Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
    BCE 206 Cost Risk Analysis Q2C INDEF
    Course Length
    3.5 class days
    Additional Course Information
    Delivery Mode Resident
    Equivalent Courses None
    ACE Recommended Credits YES
    PDS Code Q2C
    DAU Public (material/prework) YES
    Continuing Education Units   2.2
    Continuous Learning Points  22
    Reservist Retirement Points  0
    Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
    BCF 204, Intermediate Cost Analysis course completion is strongly recommended prior to attending this class. This course will become a required prerequisite in October 2018.