
IND 205

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IND 205 Contract Government Property Management Systems and Auditing Concepts
(Last Modified:08-Dec-2015)



This resident course provides an educational setting to apply and analyze foundational knowledge gained in IND 105 and experiential on-the-job learning in order for the journeyman to identify factors that help determine the adequacy of a Contractor’s Property Management System. Emphasis is given to fundamental auditing concepts. Course lessons will include material that will allow students to: determine how to select the sample size for a given population; determine how to evaluate the sample and generalize to the population; analyze the essentials required for a Property Management System audit; prepare the worksheets (i.e. spreadsheets) and narratives involved with a Property Management System Audit; determine the requirements for the disposal of contract inventory; analyze a property management case study including background information, solutions, alternative solutions, and documentation. Other course modules explore how and when the Government may take title to property under a contract; analyze the appropriate Government property and related clauses that need to be included in a contract; examine a liability court case involving Government property subject to contract risk-of-loss clausal provisions; analyze the regulatory requirements for possible contract conflicts; and examine the factors that will impact risk (high, moderate, low) within a Contractor’s Property Management System.
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Target Attendees
Level I industrial property management specialists and industrial plant clearance specialists or those individuals assigned duties relative to the administration of Government contract property that will involve Property Management System audit responsibilities including approval/disapproval of such contractor management systems.
  • IND 105, Contract Property Systems Analysis Fundamentals

  • 1 year of property management experience after completing IND 105
  • CLC 051 Managing Government Property in the Possession of Contractors
  • CLE 040 IUID Marking
  • CLM 017 Risk Management
  • CLM 037 Physical Inventories
  • Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
    Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
    IND 103 Contract Property Management Audit Fundamentals BRL 30-Sep-2014
    IND 200 Intermediate Contract Property Administration and Disposition BZQ 30-Sep-2014
    Course Length
    9.5 class days
    Additional Course Information
    Delivery Mode Resident
    Equivalent Courses None
    ACE Recommended Credits YES
    PDS Code ZRD
    DAU Public (material/prework) YES
    Continuing Education Units   5.2
    Continuous Learning Points  52
    Reservist Retirement Points  0
    Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs