
WSM 013

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WSM 013 Defense Acquisition Executive Overview Workshop
(Last Modified:04-May-2015)


This innovative workshop provides general/flag officers and members of the Senior Executive Service with an executive-level understanding of the defense acquisition system and supporting processes. Workshop content is tailored to the needs of the executive; conducted on demand; and delivered in a one-on-one, desk-side forum.
  • Given the latest policy requirements, interpret current acquisition policy, process and lessons learned while assessing your role as an acquisition leader.
  • Given real-world acquisition scenarios, critique comparative management styles and techniques to determine a personalized approach to various situations.
  • Given faculty and guest speaker presentations/discussions, distinguish the characteristics that contribute to the changing acquisition environment.
  • Given the breadth and changing environment of acquisition, select the right questions to ask at the right time to assess the health/progress/status of a program and the reasons therefore.
  • Given the various acquisition topics presented and discussed, explain what is important about each topic and why that’s important with respect to the “big Picture” in acquisition.
  • Target Attendees
    This course is for DoD general/flag officers; career and political Senior Executive Service personnel; congressional staff; and other executives, such as employees of the Government Accountability Office who are involved in or interface with the DoD acquisition system and processes. Executive participants may include a limited number of direct reports to enhance the value of the learning and dialog on matters of specific importance to the executive.
    Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
    Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
    None None None None
    Course Length
    Varies depending upon the number of topics to be addressed; typically 1/2 to 2 days
    Additional Course Information
    Delivery Mode Workshop
    Equivalent Courses N/A
    ACE Recommended Credits N/A
    PDS Code  
    DAU Public (material/prework) N/A
    Continuing Education Units   0
    Continuous Learning Points  0
    Reservist Retirement Points  
    Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
    To inquire about or request this course for your organization, click the Apply for Course button in the upper right corner.