CON 100 Shaping Smart Business Arrangements
Personnel new to the Contracting career field will gain a broad understanding of the environment in which they will serve. Students will develop professional skills for making business decisions and for advising acquisition team members in successfully meeting customers’ needs. Before beginning their study of technical knowledge and contracting procedures, students will learn about the various Department of Defense (DoD) mission areas and the types of business arrangements and procurement alternatives commonly used to support each area. Information systems, knowledge management, as well as recent DoD acquisition initiatives will be also be introduced in the course. Additionally, interactive exercises will prepare you for contracting support within the DoD. We will also address the overarching business relationships of government and industry, and the role of politics and customer relationships.
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Target Attendees
New entrants to the contracting workforce.
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable substitutes for meeting current course prerequisite and certification standards)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
None None None None
Course Length
Approximately 16 hours to complete this course
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode  Distance Learning
Equivalent Courses  YES
ACE Recommended Credits  YES
Current CEU, CLP and RRP      Click here for Previous Allocation
Continuous Education Units  1.6
Continuous Learning Points 16 
Reservist Retirement Points 4  
  • (Click Here) for the technical requirements for this course.
  • You have 60 calendar days to complete this course.
  • All exams in the module must be passed with a 100% score.