
CON 280

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CON 280 Source Selection and Administration of Service Contracts
(Last Modified:04-Apr-2016)



This course builds on the foundation established through the Level I curriculum and the course prerequisites. The primary focus is on the acquisition of services under FAR Part 15 procedures, with an emphasis on performance-based acquisitions (PBA) for services, contract types, contract incentives, source selection, and contract administration. Students will learn the fundamentals of a performance based service acquisition -- from acquisition planning to contract closeout through a realistic case study. The course takes students through the solicitation process using the mandatory DoD Source Selection Procedures. Students will prepare contractual documents, and develop and deliver high-level source selection briefings with recommendations for contract award.
Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
This course is designed for Level I certified contracting personnel with at least 2 years of contracting experience in the Contracting Career Field (Civilian OCC Series 1102) seeking Level II certification.
  • ACQ 101, Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management
  • CLC 051, Managing Government Property in the Possession of Contractors
  • CLC 056, Analyzing Contract Costs
  • CLC 057, Performance Based Payments and Value of Cash Flow
  • CON 200, Business Decisions for Contracting
  • CON 216,Legal Considerations in Contracting
  • CON 270, Intermediate Cost and Price Analysis
  • HBS 428, Negotiating
  • Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
    Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
    CON 215 Intermediate Contracting for Mission Support JHQ 01-Oct-2013
    Course Length
    9.5 classroom days
    Additional Course Information
    Delivery Mode Resident
    Equivalent Courses None
    ACE Recommended Credits YES
    PDS Code ZKN
    DAU Public (material/prework) YES
    Continuing Education Units   9.7
    Continuous Learning Points  97
    Reservist Retirement Points  0
    Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • Pre-work required / Walk-ins authorized / Pre-work accessible on DAU Blackboard.
  • This course includes approximately 18 hours of course pre-work requirements.