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for the DAU Portal & Communities of Practice

Welcome to the DAU portal and communities of practice (CoP) training ​and governance site. This site provides a comprehensive collection of training and governance information for the DAU portal and the DAU collaboration workspaces, which include the DAU Communities of Practice, as well as Project and Team sites. The Governance Summary provides an overview of governance information, but to get started as a member of a Community or a user of the portal, review the Getting Started Roadmap to learn how to update your profile and to get engaged.

The site is organized by the different areas of the portal and then the specific training content for the key roles. The portal content is divided by 1) website, 2) the Communities of Practice (CoPs), and 3) team sites and project sites. After that are the other workflow learning product lines: ACQuipedia, Ask A Professor, Acquisition Tools, Lunch n Learns and Video.  In addition, you can find specific training for critical portal roles such as Content Approvers and Content Creators/Contributors.

If you are new to a role, be sure to review the Learning Roadmap for each key role on the home page for each application. These pages provide "one stop shopping" training sites for key portal roles.

To navigate this site, related content links will appear at the right, but you can always get to the main menu from the Hamburger Menu icon at the top left.