CLC 054 Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS)
The Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) module is an overview of the primary purpose of eSRS which is to provide insight and transparency as to how Government contracting dollars are being distributed among small and small disadvantaged businesses. The Internet-based eSRS streamlines the reporting process of subcontracting plans and provides agencies with access to analytical data on subcontracting performance.
Target Attendees
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable substitutes for meeting current course prerequisite and certification standards)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
None None None None
Course Length
Approximately 1.5 hours to complete
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode  Continuous Learning
Equivalent Courses  None
ACE Recommended Credits  N/A
Current CEU, CLP and RRP      Click here for Previous Allocation
Continuous Education Units  0
Continuous Learning Points
Reservist Retirement Points 0  
  • (Click Here) for the technical requirements for this course.
  • You have 60 days to complete this course.
  • This course contains an end of module test that must be passed with a 100% score.
  • After passing your exam, please be sure to complete the required Module Survey from the Table of Contents. You will not be graduated from the module until you have completed the Survey. If you experience any difficulty in completing the Survey, please contact the DAU Help Desk to ensure that you receive proper credit.