
PMT 251

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PMT 251 Program Management Tools Course, Part I
(Last Modified:01-Oct-2014)



Program Management Tools provides application skills needed in a program office as an integrated product team lead. It is a follow-on course to ACQ 203 and is designed to enhance journeyman-level skills. This course prepares defense acquisition professionals for work in the Program Offices and for the Program Management Office Course, PMT 352, Parts A and B.
Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
This course is designed for military officers O-3 through O-4, and civilians, GS-12 through GS-13, in the Program Management career field.
ACQ 203, Intermediate Systems Acquisition, Part B
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
PMT 250 Program Management Tools PGM 01-Oct-2014
Course Length
Approximately 20 hours to complete this course
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Distance Learning
Equivalent Courses YES
ACE Recommended Credits None
PDS Code JQ4
DAU Public (material/prework) YES
Continuing Education Units   2
Continuous Learning Points  20
Reservist Retirement Points  5
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • (Click Here) for the technical requirements for this course.
  • You have 60 calendar days to complete this course.
  • All exams in the module must be passed with a 100% score.