
ACQ 404

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ACQ 404 Senior Acquisition Management Course
(Last Modified:26-Apr-2016)



This course provides a senior level of understanding of the defense acquisition system, and an environment for candid and frank discussion of key processes, and current issues and initiatives, best practices and lessons learned, that is appropriate for senior decision makers. Distinguished Guest Conversationalists provide the executive participants a forum to discuss motivations, constraints, and the many varied perspectives of government and defense industry executives, the Congress, and the Government Accountability Office.
Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
General Officer/Flag Officer/ Senior Executive Service members in Government (both DOD and Non DOD), and senior defense industry executives in key acquisition leadership positions.
Recommended: PMT 401, Program Manager’s Course
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
None None None None
Course Length
4.5 class days
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Resident
Equivalent Courses None
ACE Recommended Credits N/A
DAU Public (material/prework) YES
Continuing Education Units   4.3
Continuous Learning Points  43
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • Participants of equivalent position in the defense industry, other federal agencies, and allied nations are also admitted on a space-available basis.
  • Pre-work required / Walk-ins authorized / Pre-work accessible on DAU Public Blackboard