
CON 270

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CON 270 Intermediate Cost and Price Analysis
(Last Modified:07-Jan-2016)



Intermediate Cost and Price Analysis continues to build upon the fundamental contract pricing principles covered in the Level I Contracting curriculum, Contract Pricing Reference Guide, and DOD Policy. The course is divided into three segments addressing contract pricing issues from a Pre-Award, Negotiation Preparation-Award, and Post-Award perspective. In the course students will be introduced to quantitative techniques and tools used to quantify and facilitate decision making in determining a fair and reasonable price. Students will apply various cost analysis techniques and quantitative tools to analyze a contractor’s cost proposal and to develop a government negotiation range and objective. The course is designed to prepare students for follow on DAWIA Level II certification courses, serve as a gateway into more advanced targeted contract pricing courses, and give the students some practical tools in pricing government contracts. The ultimate objective of the course is to help students become better business advisors in developing contract arrangements that are in the best interest of the government.
Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
Level I certified contracting personnel with 2 years of contracting experience
  • CLC 056, Analyzing Contract Costs
  • CON 170, Fundamentals of Cost and Price Analysis

  • CLC 024,Basic Math Tutorial
  • Basic proficiency in Excel
  • Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
    Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
    None None None None
    Course Length
    9.5 classroom days
    Additional Course Information
    Delivery Mode Resident
    Equivalent Courses Yes
    ACE Recommended Credits YES
    PDS Code ZKL
    DAU Public (material/prework) YES
    Continuing Education Units   7.1
    Continuous Learning Points  71
    Reservist Retirement Points  0
    Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • Pre-work required / Walk-ins authorized / Pre-work accessible on DAU Public Blackboard.
  • This course includes approximately 1/2 hour of course pre-work requirements.