
AUD 8565

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AUD 8565 Supervision
(Last Modified:11-Apr-2014)


The 8565 Supervision course is designed to stress the importance of employee development and active supervisory involvement in achieving DCAA's goal to deliver quality audits, and to discuss a broad range of Human Resource topics..

Click here to view the course description in the DCAI Catalog of Courses
The course provides Supervisory Auditors with knowledge regarding the following audit-related topics:
  • DCAA's expectations for supervisory auditors as defined in their performance standards
  • Performance expectations for auditors at the GS-7, 9, 11 & 12 levels;
  • Required supervisory auditor responsibilities necessary for compliance with GAGAS;
  • Importance of developing employees at different levels;
  • Employee development and audit quality considerations that impact supervisor decisions on assigning and supervising audits;
  • DCAA's current performance measures and their impact on supervisor's day-to-day decisions. Students will gain an understanding of how communication and relationship skills critically tie into supervisory auditor's daily tasks.

    This course will also provide supervisory auditors with knowledge regarding a broad variety of Human Resource topics such as
  • merit systems principles & prohibited personnel practices,
  • awards,
  • performance based actions,
  • disciplinary actions,
  • leave,
  • grievances,
  • labor management relations,
  • supervisory records, (
  • EEO,
  • ethics, and
  • employee hotline programs.
  • Target Attendees
    GS-13 supervisors and above, admin supervisors, and SDP participants. Existing supervisors are encouraged to enroll in this course. Supervisors may repeat this course periodically throughout their career.
  • 8414, DDI Leadership Skills
  • 8611, EEO for Supervisors
  • 8655, Human Resources for Supervisors
  • Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
    Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
    None None None None
    Course Length
    5 classroom days
    Additional Course Information
    Delivery Mode Resident
    Equivalent Courses None
    ACE Recommended Credits N/A
    PDS Code  
    DAU Public (material/prework) N/A
    Continuing Education Units   0
    Continuous Learning Points  0
    Reservist Retirement Points  0
    Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • This course is restricted to DCAA employees only
  • All audit supervisors and Supervisory Development Program (SDP) participants are required to take this course. Required in first year after promotion to a supervisory position.
  • 34CPE (CPE credit currently only available to DCAA employees)