
CON 090

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CON 090 Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Fundamentals
(Last Modified:18-May-2015)



FAR Fundamentals is a four week, resident, foundational course for new hires that provides a total immersion into the Federal Acquisition Regulation (Parts 1-53) and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS). The course will prepare the 21st century acquisition workforce to operate successfully in a web enabled environment. CON 090 is a limited lecture, research-intensive, exercised-based curriculum. Participants will analyze contracting business scenarios developed through research of the FAR and its supplement DFARS. The course is presented in four modules: Contracting Overview using the FAR and DFARS; Contract Acquisition Planning; Contract Formation; and Contract Management/Administration. Students are expected to become familiar with FAR Parts 1-53. Students will be quizzed daily on FAR part knowledge, lecture/lesson content, and homework. Students should be prepared to dedicate 2-3 hours per evening for homework. Classroom laptop computers will be provided for each student.
Download Course Objectives
Target Attendees
New hires to the Contracting Career Field (Civilian OCC Series 1102)
Predecessor Course(s) (Acceptable as a substitute for this course until the acceptance date specified below.)
Predecessor Predecessor Course Title PDS Code Accepted Until
None None None None
Course Length
4 weeks in class
Additional Course Information
Delivery Mode Resident
Equivalent Courses Yes
ACE Recommended Credits YES
DAU Public (material/prework) YES
Continuing Education Units   14
Continuous Learning Points  140
Reservist Retirement Points  0
Historical Allocations Mouse Over for Past CEU/CLPs
  • Pre-work required / Walk-ins authorized / Pre-work accessible on DAU Public
  • Participant performance will be assessed by a minimum of two graded quizzes or exercises per module followed by a final exam upon completion of each module.