
Certification & Core Plus Development Guides
Career Field/Path
Career Fields
Type of Duty  Representative Activities
International Cooperative Programs (ICP)  Managing or supporting planning or executing cooperative programs with international partners conducted under the terms of an international agreement to include projects or programs ranging from cooperative science and technology to major system development and production.
Defense Sales and Transfers  Managing or supporting planning or executing of foreign military sales, building partner capacity, and/or hybrid direct commercial sales programs.
Acquisition Strategy Development  Analyzing cooperative opportunities, conducting analyses of alternatives, and integrating international acquisition and exportability considerations into a program’s acquisition strategy.
Technology Security and Foreign Disclosure (TSFD)  Supporting development or implementation of exportability-related technology security, foreign disclosure, or export control policies and positions.
Core Training Standards (required for this career path)
 Acquisition Training   If your primary Career Field is a Level 1 Position
  ACQ 101  Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management
  If your primary Career Field is a Level 2 or 3 Position
  ACQ 202  Intermediate Systems Acquisition, Part A
 Functional Training   If your primary Career Field is a Level 1 Position
  ACQ 120  Fundamentals of International Acquisition (FIAC)
  ACQ 130  Fundamentals of Technology Security/Transfer (FTS/T)
  If your primary Career Field is a Level 2 Position
  ACQ 230  International Acquisition Integration (R)
  Beginning 1 October 2017, If your primary Career Field is a Level 3 Position
  ACQ 380  International Acquisition Management (R)
 Education As required by the Career Field
 Experience As required by the Career Field

Unique Position Training Standards
ALL ICP Duty Types   ACQ 340 Advanced International Management Workshop (R)
ALL TSFD duty types   ACQ 350 Advanced Technology Security/Control Workshop (R)

Core Plus Development Guide (desired training) Type of Duties
Training ICP Def Sales and Trans Acq Strat Dev TSFD
  CLC 027 Buy American Statute
  CLC 048 Export Controls  
  CLC 052 Contracting with Canada (CWC)
  CLC 125 Berry Amendment
  CLE 022 Program Manager Introduction to Anti-Tamper
  CLE 068 Intellectual Property and Data Rights
  CLI 001 International Armaments Cooperation (IAC), Part 1      
  CLI 002 International Armaments Cooperation (IAC), Part 2      
  CLI 003 International Armaments Cooperation (IAC), Part 3      
  CLI 004 Information Exchange Program (IEP), DoD Generic      
  CLI 005 RDT&E (IEP) Army-Specific      
  CLI 006 RDT&E (IEP) Navy-specific      
  CLI 007 Technology Transfer and Export Control
 As required by the Career Field
 As required by the Career Field
2 “(R)” following a course title indicates the course is delivered as resident-based instruction.
17 The Core Training Standards section lists the training and/or education and experience REQUIRED for this career path within 24 months of assignment.