
SBA’s E-Tran: Electronic Loan Processing/Servicing

E-Tran Links

What is E-Tran?

E-Tran is an SBA loan guaranty origination/servicing solution that:

  • Leverages internet technology to reduce the turnaround time on loan guaranty requests

  • Is integrated into your SBA software products and enables you submit electronically from your existing screens

  • Provides increased efficiency and decreased costs in the loan guaranty origination and servicing processes

Who is Eligible to Use E-Tran?

All lenders are eligible for loan origination (SBAExpress, PLP, Community Express, Patriot Express, Export Express, and general (7a)).

All lenders are eligible to use loan servicing.

Information Required for E-Tran

Apply on-line at  https://caweb.sba.gov/cls/dsp_login.cfm or contact:

Glenn Hannon (202)205-7122 glenn.hannon@sba.gov

You will also be receiving information from our Servicing Centers on training assistance.

Scenario A: Direct File Transfer

Loan origination or servicing data is exchanged with the SBA via your software vendor product, or directly from your proprietary system. The data format is XML (industry standard)

The data transmission is kept confidential through the use of 128-bit encryption to secure the information being transmitted to the SBA and locally encrypting the URL to which the information is being sent. If an application is missing key information, or has other problems, the loan submission may be returned. An approved request is assigned a loan number and the loan number is sent to the loan processor.

Scenario B: Web Application

Scenario B: Lender has internet capability, but does not use a software vendor product or is not inclined to modify their proprietary system :

Lenders must log into the system with their user names and passwords, which are entered into SBA’s security system and authenticated against SBA’s Partner Identification Management System (PIMS).

The security system and PIMS serve as the gatekeepers to E-Tran. The integration of these three systems prevents a lender with an inactive SBAExpress agreement from processing a SBAExpress loan electronically.

The E-Tran Web Application

The E-Tran Web Application Navigation

While working through an individual application, a navigation tree appears in the left frame of the screen, like the one shown here.

The tree navigates to specific sections of the loan application and contains links to specific data already entered for the current application. It consists of a series of links for the current application that will save the data on the current screen and take you to the item that you selected. Folders and subfolders are used when multiple entries are possible, (e.g. Borrower, Principals and Previous Government Financing).

The E-Tran Web Application: Search Function

From the Search Results page a user can start a new application or select an existing application for update or viewing.

Applications that are funded can only be viewed. Applications in a review status can only be updated by the assigned reviewer. All other access is view only.

The following screen is an example of what a lender might see when performing a search.

The E-Tran Web Application Search Results

The E-Tran Web Application

Additional information such as Use of Proceeds can easily be completed with the web format.

The E-Tran Web Application

Information will be collected on each 20% owner of the business.

When more than one owner has 20%, a second screen will open allowing SBA to capture that information.

Completing an Application

Lenders will get a screen allowing for additional comments on the loan application. Once an application is complete, the lender can validate and submit the application. A message will indicate that the application was approved.

What Lenders Say about E-Tran

  • Instant assignment of SBA number (decreased turnaround time and convenience)

  • Competitive advantage: Ability to respond in the market place and close loans faster

  • Automated report features

  • Confidence that eligibility compliance is being maintained due to system design of the data entry and Validation

  • Automatic calculation of fees

  • Access to technical support (very responsive)

  • Drafts can be created and stored to return to at a later date

  • Overall programming very “user-friendly” and easy to train

  • Instant validation provides comfort that there are no errors in data entry

  • Improves transparency

E-Tran Servicing

  • E-Tran lenders now have the ability to handle unilateral servicing actions electronically (for example reporting cancellations of approved, fully undisbursed loans using E-Tran Servicing)

  • E-Tran lenders have the ability to view the status of their loans post-origination (maturity date, loan payments, etc.). E-Tran servicing includes all SBA loans.

  • Guaranty Fee calculator built into E-Tran Servicing

  • Expedites the purchase process…

  • Reduces 1502 errors

  • Ultimate goal is to enable lenders to handle all unilateral Servicing actions (address changes, name changes, maturity extensions, etc.) via E-Tran

  • Eliminates the headaches associated with faxing documents back and forth to the Servicing Center - depending on the number of items (Servicing Requests) that we need to fax, we constantly receive incomplete fax notifications and/or do not receive a response from the Servicing Center - this generates another fax request.

  • Expedite the process by getting immediate cancellations - this in turn places the funds back into the SBA General Account to be loaned to another applicant and gets our refund of the cancelled loan processed immediately.

  • Streamlines our internal process - one person will be able to handle the cancellation process from start to finish

Software Vendors and SBA’s E-Tran

  • Many Software vendors have expressed interest in working with SBA on E-Tran servicing. Lenders currently using a software vendor are encouraged to contact their vendor to find out about their development efforts.

  • Likewise, Lenders with robust systems development groups are encouraged to contact SBA if they are interested in a direct file transfer implementation for origination and servicing.