Women-Owned Small Businesses


WOSB Program News - updated 8/15/2016


Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSB) Federal Contracting Program

The WOSB Federal Contract Program was implemented in February 2011 with the goal of expanding the number of industries where WOSB were able to compete for business with the federal government.  This program enables Economically Disadvantaged WOSBs (EDWOSBs) to compete for federal contracts that are set-aside for EDWOSBs in industries where women-owned small businesses are underrepresented.   It also allows set-asides for WOSBs in industries where women-owned small businesses are substantially underrepresented.  SBA has designated two sets of industries according to North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The link below will take you to the current list of NAICS codes designated for use under this program.

What you need to know if you are a Contracting Officer

What you need to know if you are a WOSB


NEW! Notice for Federal Contracting Officers:

Contracting officers now have access to the WOSB Repository available at https://certify.sba.gov. Pursuant to FAR 19.1505(e), contracting officers must check whether the apparent successful offeror provided all the required eligibility documents set forth in 13 CFR 127.300(d) or (e). Contracting officers must access the WOSB Repository through MAX.gov using their PIV or CAC card and request access to the eligibility documents provided by the successful offeror. Contracting officers may view the eligibility documents only if the apparent successful offeror approves their request.  See also: What You Need to Know if You Are a Federal Contracting Officer


WOSB Portal - Certify.SBA.GOV

The WOSB Repository has moved from the General Login System (GLS) to the new SBA One Contracting Portal at certify.sba.gov.  SBA has posted PowerPoint presentations to assist you with the WOSB/EDWOSB self-certification process. In this new portal, WOSB business owners will be able to manage their documents, complete forms online, and receive notices of upcoming deadlines. Note, as self-certification is still permitted while SBA develops new criteria, this modernized site provides a platform for businesses to self-certify as a WOSB or EDWOSB.  For technical questions email certify@sba.gov.  For program questions email wosb@sba.gov

WOSB Program Program Overview

Certify.sba.gov Vendor User Guide

Certify.sba.gov Contracting Officer User Guide


NAICS Code Updates

SBA has authorized the use of 113 new NAICS Industry groups for WOSB and EDWOSB set asides.  WOSBs will now be eligible for contract participation in 92 NAICS industry groups.  EDWOSBs will now be eligible for contract participation in 21 designated NAICS industry groups, along with the 92 NAICS industry groups identified for WOSB. The effective date per the notice for use of these new NAICS is 3 March 2016.

See the full lists of the 2016 6-digit NAICS codes designated for EDWOSB and for WOSB set-asides or sole awards under the WOSB Program.