Oil and Gas Industry

Our global economy could not function without the oil and gas industry enabling it to extract and refine petroleum. Here you will find resources to help oil and gas producers and distributors comply with laws and government regulations.

Gas Industry

Diesel Fuel Programs
Covers Environmental Protection Agency's regulations of diesel fuel quality.

Gas Regulation
General information regarding natural gas project regulation.

Natural Gas Projects
Environmental guidelines and related documents covering natural gas pipeline projects.

Natural Gas Rate Filings with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Instruction manual for natural gas companies that are electronically filing for a change in rates.

Reformulated Gasoline
Information on reformulated gasoline - gas blended to burn cleaner by reducing smog-forming and toxic pollutants in the air.

Tax Guide for Gas Retailers
The links on this page provide information such as tax tips and trends and statistics for gas retailers.

Oil Industry

Oil Spills : Prevention, Preparation and Response
Information on preventing, preparing for, and responding to oil spills that occur in and around inland waters of the United States.

Petroleum Refining Industry
Highlights environmental regulations for the petroleum refining industry.

Petroleum Sector Guide
Links to web resources containing regulatory and reinvention information about the petroleum refining sector.

General Environmental Regulations

Effluent Guidelines for Oil and Gas Extraction (Synthetic-Based Drilling Fluids)
Guidelines and standards for the discharge of pollutants from oil and gas drilling operations using synthetic-based drilling fluids and other non-aqueous drilling fluids into waters of the U.S.

Fuel and Fuel Additives Registration and Health Effects Testing
Environmental Protection Agency registration information for manufacturers and importers of gasoline, diesel fuel, or fuel additives.

Fuels and Fuel Additive Reporting Forms
Forms required by Environmental Protection Agency fuel programs for manufactures and importers of gasoline, diesel fuel, and fuel additives.

Renewable Fuels Standard Regulations
Regulatory information on gasoline sold in the U.S. and minimum volumes of renewable fuel.

Underground Storage Tanks

Meeting Underground Storage Tank System Requirements
Virtually eliminate leaking underground storage tank (UST) systems by following the federal requirements for the installation and operation of USTs.

Underground Storage Tanks Compliance Help
Resources to help you comply with UST requirements, and protect human health and the environment.

Underground Storage Tanks Publications
Publications focused on managing USTs properly and conducting cleanups efficiently.

Workplace Health & Safety

OSHA eTool : Oil and Gas Well Drilling
This eTool identifies common hazards and possible solutions to reduce incidents that could lead to injuries or fatalities in the oil and gas well drilling and servicing industry. It explains procedures and processes such as safety meetings, job safety analyses, and general and task-specific training.