Green Business Guide

There’s a new focus on environmental responsibility, and as a small business owner, you can make a difference. Help protect our ecosystem and serve your customers who value your environmental efforts.
  • Green Marketing

    If you are already competitive in terms of price, quality and performance, adding sustainability and green marketing to your business strategy may enhance your brand image and secure your market...

  • Green Business Case Studies

    Find out about a few of the most well known green business and their commitments to economic success.

  • Green Business Practices

    Every business can make simple changes that save energy costs and natural resources. What can you do to Green Up Your Business?

  • Green Certification and Ecolabeling

    Ecolabeling is important way to market your product to green consumers and differentiate your product or service as environmentally sound. Learn more about Ecolabeling.

  • Environmental Grants & Loans

    Use the links below to help find financial resources to pay for energy efficient upgrades to your facilities, to finance your business’s innovative environmental products and technologies and to...

  • Green Commuting

    Do you know your green commuting options? Learn more about green alternatives to your daily commute.

  • Small Business Sustainability Toolkit

    Small businesses can have a huge impact on national sustainability. Implementing sustainable business practices can help small businesses save money, meet consumer demand, and contribute to the...