The National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) are a set of surveys designed to gather information at multiple points in time on the labor market activities and other significant life events of several groups of men and women. For more than 4 decades, NLS data have served as an important tool for economists, sociologists, and other researchers.

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Young adults born in the early 1980s held an average of 7.2 jobs from ages 18 through 28


A longitudinal study of individuals born in the early 1980s reveals that young adults held an average of 7.2 jobs from ages 18 through 28. Over half of these jobs were held between the ages of 18 and 21. Young adults were employed for an average of 74 percent of weeks from ages 18 to 28.

Persons born in the latter years of the baby boom hold 11.7 jobs from ages 18 to 48


The average person born in the latter years of the baby boom (1957-1964) held 11.7 jobs from ages 18 to 48, with nearly half of these jobs held from ages 18 to 24.



NLS Tables

  • Average number of jobs started by individuals from age 18 to age 48 by age and sex (XLSX)

  • Distribution of number of jobs held by individuals from age 18 to age 48 in 1978-2012 by educational attainment, sex, race, Hispanic ethnicity, and age (XLSX)

  • Number of unemployment spells experienced by individuals from age 18 to age 48 in 1978-2012 by age, sex, race, and Hispanic ethnicity (XLSX)

  • Number of unemployment spells experienced by individuals from age 18 to age 48 in 1978-2012 by educational attainment, sex, race, and Hispanic ethnicity (XLSX)


NLS Data


NLS Publications

General publications

  • NLS Handbook (2005)
  • "NLS News" Newsletter --This quarterly newsletter includes information about new data releases, error notices, completed NLS research and other information of interest to researchers.

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