Discontinued Series

Hourly Compensation Costs (Wages and Benefits)

For All Employees

  • In Sub-Manufacturing Industries (NAICS), 1996-2007 (HTML)
    • Tables by industry, 1996-2007 (XLS)
    • Tables by country, 1996-2007 (XLS)

For Production Workers

  • In the Manufacturing Sector (NAICS), 1975-2009 (HTML) (XLS)
  • In Sub-Manufacturing Industries (NAICS), 1992-2007 (HTML) (XLS)
  • In Sub-Manufacturing Industries (SIC), 1975-2002 (HTML)
  • Mexico: Hourly Compensation Costs for Workers in Maquiladora Manufacturing Export Industries, 1975-2006 (HTML) (XLS)
  • Back to Top Back to Top


    Last Modified Date: December 19, 2012