The International Cooperation (IC) Directorate in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics supports the USD(AT&L) in carrying out his responsibilities and exercising his authorities on all international matters.

The position of was established in response to the increasing amount of international activity in Director, International Cooperation defense acquisition and to the requirement for more effective cooperation with U.S. allies and friends in the research, development, production and support of weapons systems and related equipment.

The Director supports the USD(AT&L) in carrying out his responsibilities and exercising his authorities on all international matters.

The Director acts for the USD(AT&L) on matters concerning international programs by developing and monitoring the implementation of defense policies on international cooperation in coordination with U.S. government agencies, foreign governments and industry.

The International Cooperation Directorate consists of a variety of professionals working a wide range of international issues.  Daily activities include active engagements across the Department of Defense, industry, and our international partners in the Embassies and respective Ministries of Defense to develop and coordinate DoD policy and international defense strategies to support DoD acquisition, technology development, and logistics. To accomplish this, the staff is made up of: country desk officers with expertise in their respective portfolios; program teams running the Coalition Warfare and the Defense Exportability Features Programs; foreign disclosure and technology security specialists; international agreements negotiators; multinational logisticians; acquisition professionals; and the leadership and support to conduct these functions.













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