Inventors Eye
Inventors Eye0

The USPTO's bimonthly publication for the independent inventor community

Provisional Applications for Patent

Providing Inventors More Time and Options

Independent inventors have used provisional patent applications for various purposes—to test the marketplace, attempt to gain financial backing, secure licensing agreements, and to further their product development.  However, many independent inventors have indicated that they would benefit from an extension of the provisional period for at least another year beyond the one year currently provided-for by law for provisional patent filings.  The reasons most often cited by inventors are that one year is just not sufficient time to find financial help, evaluate a product’s worth in the marketplace or to completely develop the invention for commercialization.

After hearing these concerns from many inventors across the country, the USPTO took a look at whether it can extend the current one-year requirement for converting a provisional application into a regular, non-provisional filing.

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Independent Inventors Gather at the USPTO to Share Ideas

On November 5, 2010, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) held the 15th annual Independent Inventors Conference at its headquarters in Alexandria, Va.

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Spark of Genius
Houston Inventors Association Helps Members Bring Inventions to Reality

New and old inventors alike are always looking for assistance in learning how to file for a patent, how to search, how to select a qualified individual in the field of filing patents. 

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 FlatwareSaver in action, with the user dumping food into the receptical that detects silverware and dishware falling into the trash can
In Your Backyard

Who can help with my prototype? Should I license or start my own business?
  An advents calendar, symbolizing events
Where Inventors Meet

Inventor association and group meetings near your neighborhood.
  A group of icons running on gears, symbolizing unity in invention

Organizations and resources for the independent inventor community.

Providing Inventors More Time and Options
By David Kappos: Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Independent Inventors Gather at the USPTO to Share Ideas
By Jeff Look : Office of the Chief Communications Officer
spark of genius
Houston Inventors Association Helps Members Bring Inventions to Reality
Resources in Your Own Backyard
Where Inventors Meet


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volume three issue six
volume three issue five
volume three issue four
volume three issue three
volume three issue two
volume three issue one
volume two issue six
volume two issue five
volume two issue four
volume two issue three
volume two issue two
volume two issue one
volume one issue five
volume one issue four
volume one issue three
volume one issue two
volume one issue one
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