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We work to promote sustainable transport which is safe, clean and competitive, through the development of freight and personal mobility by inland transport modes, by improving traffic safety, environmental performance, energy efficiency, inland transport security and efficient service provision in the transport sector.


24 February 2017
21 February 2017


70th anniversary of the Inland Transport Committee

Transport Ministers from the UNECE region and beyond gathered for a Ministerial meeting on the “Past and Future of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee” in Geneva on 21 February 2017 to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the Inland Transport Committee, take stock of its past contributions but also decide on its future mission until 2030 at a time of profound changes, challenges and opportunities globally.

The  ITC Newsletter is available for download

See the events map and flyer for a first overview.

Challenge your knowledge of transport! Try our quizzes on inland transport, transport of dangerous goods and inland water transport

Note for visitors at the Palais des Nations: new security measures

Croatia acceded the Protocol to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) (map of contracting parties) and Iraq accedes to the Convention on Road Traffic, of 8 November 1968 (map of contracting parties) and to the European Agreement supplementing the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic, of 1 May 1971 (map of contracting parties).

New transport statistics infocards published: as part of the activities of the Working Party on Transport Statistics the secretariat has prepared individual country profiles showing key transport statistics. These are available here.

Turkmenistan acceded to the International Convention on Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods, 1982 (map of contracting parties).

Estonia acceded to the Additional Protocol to the CMR concerning the electronic consignment note (e-CMR) (map of contracting parties).

The Republic of Moldova acceded to the Customs Convention on Containers, 1972 (map of contracting parties). 

Presentation: SDGs and the UN Transport Conventions under the purview of the UNECE Inland Transport Committee. Following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, this presentation outlines the work of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC), with a particular focus on Road Safety and Border Crossing Facilitation, and its linkages with the Sustainable Development Goals.


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