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464 Results for:


  • Child Well-Being Spotlight: Children Living in Kinship Care and Nonrelative Foster Care Are Unlikely to Receive Needed Early Intervention or Special Education Services

    Published: November 5, 2020
    The data analyzed for this spotlight is from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, Second Cohort (NSCAW II), a nationally representative sample of children involved with the child welfare system (CWS). It allows for the identification of children with developmental delays and compromised cognitive or academic functioning.
  • Examining the Link: Foster Care Runaway Episodes and Human Trafficking

    Published: November 4, 2020
    Children and youth who run from foster care placements are a growing concern among policymakers and practitioners. A large number of youth in foster care run away from their placement at least once, and many do multiple times. Running from care is associated with a range of serious negative consequences, including human trafficking victimization.
  • OPRE News Vol. 8 Issue 20 – October 29, 2020

    Strategies to Integrate Self-Regulation into Healthy Marriage Programs for Youth and Much (Much) More
  • Reducing Homelessness Among Youth with Child Welfare Involvement: Phase II Implementation Experiences in a Multi-Phase Grant

    Published: October 15, 2020
    To build the evidence base of interventions to prevent homelessness among youth in foster care or young adults who were formerly in foster care, the Children’s Bureau (CB) developed the “Building Capacity to Evaluate Interventions for Youth/Young Adults with Child Welfare Involvement At-Risk of Homelessness (YARH)” grant program. YARH is a multiphase competitive grant program that aims to support the development and evaluation of comprehensive service models to meet the needs of youth...
  • Youth-At Risk of Homelessness: What We’ve Done and Where We’re Going

    Published: October 15, 2020
    This infographic describes the multi-phased Youth At-Risk of Homelessness (YARH) project. This grant program started in 2013 to build evidence on what works in preventing homelessness among youth and young adults with previous involvement with the child welfare system.
  • Understanding Post Adoption and Guardianship Instability for Children and Youth Who Exit Foster Care: Study Design Options

    Published: September 24, 2020
    For children living in foster care, adoption and guardianship are important permanency outcomes when reunification with their biological family is not an option. Most children living in adoptive or guardianship families do not reenter state custody after adoption or guardianship finalization. However, five to 20% of children may experience post adoption and guardianship instability (White et al., 2018). “Post adoption and guardianship instability” refers to situations in which children...
  • Supporting College Students Transitioning Out of Foster Care: A Formative Evaluation Report on the Seita Scholars Program

    Published: August 28, 2020
    Economic trends have made postsecondary education increasingly important to self-sufficiency, but research suggests that far too many young people in foster care will not have the educational credentials needed to succeed in this economy without additional supports. Specifically, young people in foster care enroll in college at lower rates than their peers and are less likely to persist through the end of their first year when they do enroll...
  • Tribal TANF-Child Welfare Coordination: Collaboration Assessment Tool

    Published: July 16, 2020
    Social service organizations and policy makers increasingly recognize that they can accomplish more and improve outcomes for those they serve when they work together with other organizations. They forge new partnerships, develop new relationships, and often implement changes to practice as a result of collaboration and coordination efforts. Collaboration and coordination efforts occur along a continuum, from early planning stages towards more fully developed or mature levels of partnership...
  • Child and Family Development Research - Fiscal Year 2019

    Published: June 2, 2020
    This report describes the research and evaluation activities undertaken by our Division of Child and Family Development in 2019. Brief project descriptions provide an overview of the range of projects conducted by the Division during the year in early childhood research, child care, Head Start and Early Head Start, child welfare, human trafficking, and cultural diversity.
  • ACF OPRE News Vol. 8 Issue 9 – May 7, 2020

    ACF OPRE News: What Strategies Can Encourage & Sustain Fathers' Engagement in Responsible Fatherhood Services? Featured items in this issue: Inside, Outside, Round and Round: Sustaining Engagement in Responsible Fatherhood Programs Building Capacity in Foster Care to Support the Self-Regulation Development of Youth and Young Adults: Meeting Summary Pima Community College’s Pathways to Healthcare Program: Three-Year Impact Report  
