Community Relations Service

Community Relations Service

Hashtag Hate | CRS Responds to Noose Incident at Denfield High School
Hashtag Hate | CRS Responds to Noose Incident at Denfeld High School

What We Do

The Community Relations Service is the Department's "Peacemaker" for community conflicts and tensions arising from differences of race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion and disability.  CRS is not an investigatory or prosecutorial agency, and it does not have any law enforcement authority.

Rather, the Agency works with all parties, including State and local units of government, private and public organizations, civil rights groups, and local community leaders, to uncover the underlying interests of all of those involved in the conflict and facilitates the development of viable, mutual understandings and solutions to the community's challenges.  In addition, CRS assists communities in developing local mechanisms and community capacity to prevent tension and violent hate crimes from occurring in the future.  All CRS services are provided free of charge to the communities and are confidential.  CRS works in all 50 states and the U.S. territories, and in communities large and small, rural, urban and suburban.

Who We Work With

The Community Relations Service responds to communities across the nation to promote peaceful resolution of conflicts and tensions. Conflict resolution specialists strategically located in 10 regional offices and 4 field offices throughout the country respond to meet the unique needs of communities in the states and U.S. territories they serve. Click the links below to learn more.

Civil Rights Group Button

Community Groups Button

Municipalities and Federal and State Agencies Button

Law Enforcement Button

Religious Groups Button

Schools Button

Tribal Groups Button

Contact CRS Graphical Button

Community Relations Service
(202) 305-2935

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