Workforce Recruitment Program

Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP)

The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal sector employers worldwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to prove their abilities in the workplace through temporary or permanent jobs.  Coordinated by the Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) and the Department of Defense's Office of Diversity Management & Equal Opportunity (ODMEO), CAP works closely with the WRP to provide participants with assistive technology and workplace accommodations at no cost to the employing agency.

WRP Accommodation Needs

If a WRP participant is unaware of what solutions best fit his or her needs, a needs assessment can be completed online.  After completing the online assessment, CAP will provide recommendations of assistive technologies for consideration.

If additional guidance is needed, CAP staff is available to conduct a more detailed assessment.  If a participant is located in the Washington, DC area, an assessment can be conducted at our CAP Technology & Evaluation Center (CAPTEC), located at the Pentagon.  For participants outside the DC metro area, needs assessments may be conducted via video teleconference, phone, or email.

Once accommodation solutions are identified, the WRP participant or appropriate personnel from the employing agency may submit a CAP Request.  On the request, please indicate that you are a participant in WRP and include contact information for you and your hiring manager or supervisor.

WPR participant and WRP logo