
Information about protecting personal data, fighting back against scam artists that target non-profit groups, and other practical tips for your organization.

Does your company keep sensitive data — Social Security numbers, credit reports, account numbers, health records, or business secrets? If so, then you’ve probably instituted safeguards to protect that information. Your information security plans also should cover the digital copiers your company uses.

Most businesses collect and store sensitive information about their employees and customers. If you use Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing software in your business, consider the security implications and minimize the risks associated with it.

Practical tips for business on creating and implementing a plan for safeguarding personal information.

Is your nonprofit group planning a fundraising campaign? Before hiring a professional fundraising company, investigate thoroughly. Inappropriate behavior by a fundraiser can result in negative publicity for your organization – and possible legal action.

Learn the telltale signs of five common scams that target small and medium-sized businesses, churches, and not-for-profit groups.

10 practical lessons businesses can learn from the FTC's 50+ data security settlements.

When you use consumer reports to make employment decisions like hiring, promotion, reassignment, and retention, the Fair Credit Reporting Act requires you to take important compliance steps. Find out more about keeping your company within the law.