
Learn about compliance responsibilities for businesses that provide credit or loans to consumers.

Does your company advertise consumer leases? This publication focuses on your legal obligations under the Consumer Leasing Act and Regulation M.

Focusing on federal truth-in-advertising standards, this A-to-Z primer is an essential resource for businesses of any size.

For debt buyers and sellers, keeping sensitive information secure should be business as usual. The FTC has seven tips for members of the industry to help reduce the risk of unauthorized disclosure.

If your company is a creditor subject to FTC jurisdiction, the Credit Practices Rules applies to you. Read this guide to find out what the Rule requires and what transactions are covered.

Tips for organizations under FTC jurisdiction to determine whether they need to design an identity theft prevention program.

Under the Safeguards Rule, financial institutions must protect the consumer information they collect. Learn if your business is a “financial institution” under the Rule. If so, have you taken the necessary steps to comply?

Financial institutions covered by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act must tell their customers about their information-sharing practices and explain to customers their right to "opt out" if they don't want their information shared with certain third parties. Is your company following the requirements of the Privacy Rule?

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requires many companies to give consumers privacy notices that explain the institutions' information-sharing practices. Do your privacy notices give a clear, conspicuous, and accurate statement of the company's practices?

If you operate a business that accepts checks or online payments, you could be at risk for a new scam that may cost you time and money.

If your business accepts payment by credit or debit card, new rules on electronic payments may help you lower your costs.

The Safeguards Rule requires financial institutions to secure customer records and information. But the law defines “financial institution” broadly to cover many businesses who might not describe themselves that way. If you’re covered by the Safeguards Rule, are your standards up to snuff?

When you use consumer reports to make employment decisions like hiring, promotion, reassignment, and retention, the Fair Credit Reporting Act requires you to take important compliance steps. Find out more about keeping your company within the law.