Credit and Loans

If you extend credit to consumers, are in the business of offering loans, or help companies that do, know your compliance responsibilities. (Looking for information about credit reports or consumer reports? Visit Credit Reporting.)


Does your company advertise consumer leases? This publication focuses on your legal obligations under the Consumer Leasing Act and Regulation M.

If your company is a creditor subject to FTC jurisdiction, the Credit Practices Rules applies to you. Read this guide to find out what the Rule requires and what transactions are covered.

Thinking about starting your own business or expanding the one you own? When you shop for a loan or line of credit, the law protects you against discrimination. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from denying you a loan based on reasons that have nothing to do with your credit-worthiness.

If your business accepts payment by credit or debit card, new rules on electronic payments may help you lower your costs.

When you use consumer reports to make tenant decisions, the Fair Credit Reporting Act requires you to take important compliance steps. Find out more about keeping your actions within the law.