Risky Driving

Safety is NHTSA’s number one priority. Our mission is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries by educating drivers.

Drunk Driving

Safety is NHTSA’s number one priority. Our mission is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries by educating drivers.

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Distracted Driving

Distracted driving puts us all at risk. Get the facts, get involved, and help us keep America’s roads safe.

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Drowsy Driving

Don't be a statistic. Find out what driving drowsy does to you and how you can avoid it.

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Seat Belts

Seat belts save thousands of lives each year, but not everyone uses them. Help us spread the word and bring the number of preventable deaths to zero.

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When you speed, you put everyone around you at risk. Find out more.

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Drugged Driving

Learn the dangers of drugged driving and how NHTSA is working to make the roads safer for everyone.

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