United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
Home > NRC Library

NRC Library

NRC releases several hundred documents to the public each work day. The Web site contains information and the documents that are most pertinent to NRC regulatory activities. Many of the documents are in Basic References or Document Collections. The rest are available either from our record retrieval system, ADAMS, or from our Public Document Room. Documents posted at the Web site are also retrievable from ADAMS. The reference librarians at our Public Document Room can help you find a document in ADAMS or on the Web site.

Basic References

Basic References

Links to the full text of frequently requested general, administrative, and regulatory reference documents, such as NRC Regulations, the Strategic Plan, and the Accountability and Performance Report.

ADAMS Public Documents

ADAMS Documents

Using NRC's online document retrieval system to obtain the full text of publicly available documents (records) in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS).

Licensing Support Network (LSN) Library

LSN Library

Provides access to publicly available documents related to hearings regarding the proposed high-level nuclear waste geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.

Get Copies of Documents

Get Copies of Documents

Obtaining NRC documents and publications at the lowest cost.

Photos & Video

Photo & Video Gallery

High-quality photographs, video, and other images illustrating who we are and what we do.

Document Collections

Document Collections

Index pages for collections of the same type of document, organized by subject category for full-text viewing, such as Commission Papers, NUREG-series publications, Regulatory Guides, Generic Communications, and NRC forms.

Public Document Room

Public Document Room

Reference librarian help in locating or obtaining documents in ADAMS or on this Web site.

FOIA & Privacy Act

FOIA & Privacy Act Requests

Obtaining NRC documents in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Privacy Act.

Records Management

Records Management

Includes NRC Records Disposition Schedules and records management policies and procedures.

FAQ Index

FAQ Index

List of all frequently asked questions pages.

Withholding of Sensitive Information

Withholding of Sensitive Information

Changes to procedures and practice.


More Information

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, August 19, 2016