Market Research/Market Intelligence

Welcome:  Welcome to the DPAP Market Research/Market Intelligence Website. We are very much interested in your feedback on the website and it’s content. Please send emails with suggestions to and include “Market Research Website” in the subject line.

Opening statement:  Market research is a vital means of arming the acquisition team with the expertise needed to conduct an effective acquisition.  This type of information helps determine the suitability of the marketplace for satisfying a need or requirement.  Market research is the continuous process of collecting information to maximize reliance on the commercial marketplace and to benefit from its capabilities, technologies, and competitive forces in meeting an agency need.  Market research is an essential process enabling the government to buy best-value products and services that solve mission-critical problems.

Market Research Report Guide for Improving the Tradecraft in Services Acquisition:  In support of the Department's Better Buying Power Initiatives the Department is pleased to provide, to the entire acquisition workforce, the attached acquisition tool entitled:  Market Research Report Guide for Improving the Tradecraft in Services Acquisition. The guide is a product of a Joint working group comprised of members of the acquisition community from the MILDEPS, OSD and DAU. The guide is designed to assist in the effective collection and sharing of standardized market research information across the Department. You are encouraged to utilize the tool during the market research information gathering process.

The Department is considering whether or not to make this tool mandatory and is extremely interested in your opinions regarding the Guide. Please e-mail comments to the Guide to and include the phrase "Market Research Guide" in the subject line.

To facilitate this process, other useful resources are listed below.  While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, the links and documents below provide the framework to begin to understand the marketplace for a product or service.

Policy/OSD Resources:

Link to appropriate FAR section

Link to appropriate DFARS section

Link to DPAP resources

Specific Resources:

Link to DAU Market Research CLC

Link to DAU “Ask a Professor”

Link to Services Acquisition Mall

Link to Automated Requirements Roadmap Tool (ARRT)

Link to GSA best practices page

Central feature:

Link DAU Community of Practice and Resource Depository
(Please note that this CAC-enabled gate managed by DAU. You cannot access this without a CAC)

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