
NHF Naval Heritage Speakers Forum

In partnership with a number of naval museums and non-governmental organizations, the Naval Historical Foundation has assembled an expert group of authors, historians and navy retirees from around the country who are available to speak on a wide variety of naval history topics.  While these speakers have volunteered to make their presentations at no charge, the hosting organization should offer to fund the speaker’s travel expenses to attend the gathering and meals as appropriate. If you are interested in arranging a speaking engagement (or in volunteering to offer your services as a speaker), please contact Foundation Program Director Dr. David F. Winkler at 202-678-4333 or dwinkler@navyhistory.org.

War of 1812 Speakers Program

With the emerging requirement to support Bicentennial of the War of 1812-related events during the 2012-2015 centennial years, NHF, in concert with other commemoration partners, proposes to create a specific speaker pool of individuals with knowledge of the many aspects of naval history and heritage related to this critical juncture in the early history of the United States Navy. We have developed a preliminary list of distinguished speakers available and expect to add more through this bicentennial celebration:

Available NHF War of 1812 Speakers

Please read our War of 1812 Speakers post to learn more, or to apply to be a speaker.


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