U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Open Mike


 Dr. Michael Lauer
Dr. Michael Lauer - helping connect you with the NIH perspective. Read his blog.

Top Ten Tips for Grant Seekers

Tip #1

In order to apply to the NIH for funding, you must have an appointment at an institution (student, postdoc, instructor, professor, etc.) – NIH awards go to the ‘applicant organization,’ not individuals.

Tip #2

See if your research falls within the NIDDK mission by viewing our Research Programs and Contacts.

Tip #3

Find the appropriate grant mechanism to support your research: 

Tip #4

View our Current Funding Opportunities​.

Tip #5

Contact the program director identified in the funding opportunity.  If you’re still not sure who to contact, review our Research Programs and Contacts.

Tip #6

Learn more about peer review:

​The Center for Scientific Review (CSR) offers an introductory video and a search engine to help find a study section​

Tip #7


Tip #8

Identify, contact, and engage appropriate colleagues who will play a role in the proposed study (e.g., co-investigators, collaborators, mentors).  Request letters of reference and support well in advance.

Tip #9 

Start writing early, and get feedback from your mentors and colleagues.  Follow the application instructions carefully, including the page limits. Put your CV into the NIH biosketch format using the Biographical Sketch Format Page word document or PDF.

Tip #10 

Submit the completed application to your grants office according to your institution’s timeline.  Once submitted, CHECK the application online to make sure everything looks correct.  The NIH does not allow additional material to be submitted after the receipt date.​
